Patient First Chiropractic - Burlington, Ontario
Ogi Ressel loses appeal for professional misconduct - July 28, 2003
Dr. Ressel's home page
Pediatric page - They claim that growing pains in childhood can lead to crippling back and leg pains in adulthood. No proof is given at all to back it up. Yes and don't forget those evil Jolly Jumper devices that can "lead to scoliosis". I wonder if the manufacturers of this device might want to talk to Ressel's attorney.
Bogus claims continue:
"Birth trauma can cause lowered resistance, hyperactivity, ear infections, Asthma, bed-wetting, failure to grow, just to name a few."
Of course none of this is true, but the claims are made anyway, and the CCO doesn't give a damn about it. In fact, the Patient First website brags about the fact that all of their chiropractic staff have taken courses at Life Chiropractic University in Marietta, Georgia. They fail to mention that the world's largest chiropractic college had their accreditation lifted in June 2002. In addition, Canadian chiropractors can not make claims for certification in pediatrics. These folks apparently ignore this.
Lots of bogus claims made here - Ressel again makes the claim that he has a Fellowship in pediatrics. He fails to identify who Drs. Gutman and Biedermann are, and where their work was published. He makes the unsubstantiated claims that he can reduce the "subluxation" in infants and children and cure ear infections.
Ressel's newsletter pushes illegal ear candles - scroll down or search for candles. You will find this"
"Where to buy ear candles? The candles I found in Toronto are by a company called Candlear. They are great and the best quality candles I've ever used. I've spoken to them; very nice people. To get information and candles contact Mr. Norm Land at 780-892-2121."
These devices were deemed illegal in Canada since September 2000. Why are Ontario chiropractic offices pushing these dangerous devices?
Anti-vaccine venom from Ressel's March newsletter - It's against CCO policies to present anti-vaccine information. An official complaint will be filed with the CCO.
It's clear to me that there is a small group of Ontario chiropractors that just don't get it. It's not just ear candles. Many of them use bogus devices, recommend unproved lab tests and procedures.
Royal Botanical Gardens Burlington, Ont - Nov. 3-5, 2000
Ogi Ressel was proud to be on the executive council of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario in 1999.
In fact, he was on the Fitness to Practice Committee.
Guess how many chiropractors were reviewed on that committee in 1999? If zero surprises you, it shocked me.
But, according to late breaking news revealed to ChiroWatch on November 29, 2000, Ogi Ressel is no longer part of the executive council.
Notice of By-election and Nomination Guide As a result of the disqualification from Council of the current representative from District 5, Dr. Ogi Ressel, and pursuant to the provisions of Ontario Regulation 910/93, made under the Chiropractic Act, 1991, notice is hereby given that a by-election will be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2000, to elect a representative to the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO) Council.
It is the policy of the College, the only body that regulates the practice of chiropractors in Ontario, to protect the public against unwarranted claims, to set minimum standards for licensure, and to assure that certain types of practices, are looked at with a fine-toothed comb. Unfortunately, the CCO acts for the most part as if chiropractors don't have any hair.
In fact, on September 9, 2002 Ogi Ressel had his license to practice chiropractic suspended for 9 months. Details can be found in the Summer 2002 Chiropractice newsletter published by the CCO.

19. 19.(1) The Council shall disqualify an elected member from sitting on the Council if the elected member,
(a) is the subject of any disciplinary or incapacity proceeding;
(b) is found to have committed an act of professional misconduct or is found to be incompetent by a panel
of the Discipline Committee;
(c) is found to be an incapacitated member by a panel of the Fitness to Practise Committee;
(d) fails, without reasonable cause, to attend two consecutive meetings of the committee or of a
subcommittee of which he or she is a member;
(e) fails, without reasonable cause, to attend a hearing or review of a panel for which he or she has been selected;
(f) ceases to either practise or reside in the electoral district for which the member was elected;
(g) becomes an officer or director of any professional chiropractic association, including the Ontario Chiropractic
Association, Canadian Chiropractic Association, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Canadian Chiropractic
Protective Association or the Council on Chiropractic Education, such that a real or apparent
conflict of interest may arise;
(h) becomes a member of the Council or a committee of the College of any other health profession; or
(i) breaches the Conflict of Interest guidelines for members of Council and committees.
19.(2) An elected member who is disqualified from sitting on the Council ceases to be a member of the Council.
O. Reg. 910/93, s. 19.
- Practice only within the limits of professional and personal competence, in surroundings that shall not compromise the quality of
care offered.
- Treat their patients with respect for privacy, physical and psychological.
- Observe confidentiality with regard to information obtained from patients, or from colleagues concerning patients.
- Conduct themselves with dignity so as to bring honour to the profession.
- To provide members with advertising guidelines to ensure the advertisements serve to the public interest and do not demean the
integrity of the profession.
- The chiropractor shall be responsible for the accuracy, content and use of advertising materials and shall ensure that all such materials
are of good professional quality and having regard to the best interests of the public and the chiropractic profession.
- Anything that, because of its nature, cannot be verified
Information contained in an advertisement must be supportable by legitimate or recognized references.
- A reference to the member being a specialist, unless the member is recognized pursuant to CCO's policy as a specialist, and
the specialty is disclosed -
It is recognized in the health field that the word "specialist" has a particular meaning for the public. Therefore, it is
unethical and prohibited to use words relating to specialist (e.g., specializing in, specialty). Stating your area of primary
interest (e.g., primary interest in child care) is acceptable if it is in the public interest.
- A reference to the member being a member of or affiliated with any professional association, society or body other than CCO
To an unsuspecting public, such references may appear like academic qualifications or specialties. While they do
demonstrate interest on the chiropractor's part, they are, at best, meaningless to someone desperate and seeking health
care. These references may be used on curricula vitae and personal stationery.
Advertising or permitting advertising with respect to a member's practice in contravention of the regulations
A misconduct charge could be laid if a member of the public or a colleague considers information in an advertisement
misleading or fraudulent.
People experiencing health problems are particularly vulnerable to exaggerated claims; gimmickry enhances neither the
practitioner nor the profession. There is no asset comparable to an honourable reputation.
- In keeping with the Code's introductory statement that advertising is for the purpose of educating members of the public,
the Code prohibits mall screenings by individuals, but permits mall displays or screenings by societies or groups for
educational purposes.
This regulation is meant to prevent harassment of the public and the general "turn off" associated with solicitous
contacts, intrusion and disturbance of privacy. Any small gains for the advertiser's immediate bottom line results are
counter-productive to the larger betterment of the public, the profession and the practitioner.
As an executive council member, Ressel must know that it is against CCO policy and code of ethics to publicly criticize immunizations, and to even call himself a pediatric or child chiropractic specialist in public.
Ogi Ressel oozes pediatric chiropractic practice, even if the CCO does not allow him or anyone else to claim that specialty. It is clear from his outlandish display, which was about three to four times the size of any other display at the Body and Soul Wellness Fair, that College codes of ethics have been sorely tested.
My feeling is that the entire setup was in fact a public examination, a direct recruitment for new patients, and was done in a carnival-like manner. I know that the CODE prohibits MALL SCREENINGS by individuals, and this kind of thing goes on all the time, in malls, at quack expos at the Toronto Convention Centre and other places. The CCO does nothing to control it.
Ressel not only endangers his own status as a health provider, but those chiropractors who assisted him in this "show" could also be at risk as well.
What is perhaps more worrisome in the display was an attempt by Ressel to display his collective work that he does for Alive Magazine. On display at his information table were about a dozen or so columns that Ogi has done for this alternative health magazine. Alive usually advocates against allopathic medicine and especially attacks immunizations. Their editorial staff have been particularly harsh and potentially libelous in attacking me for alerting the public about a certain quack radio hostess.
The pictures below were taken on November 5 in the late afternoon hours at the rotunda of the Royal Botanical Gardens. There were several other chiropractic groups who had booths, but Ressels certainly stood out like a three ring circus.
Approach the rotunda and you see Ressel's sign asking you if you are healthy. Sign up for a Free Health Test. |
The other chiropractors who were listed are Robert Rudy, Byron McKay, and Elizabeth Viglasky. |
This slick promotional item was about 4 feet high and you couldn't help but bump into it as you entered the main rotunda |
These folks were waiting patiently to have their Free Health Test. There were two rows of chairs. |
Ogi works on client in background. I think he was testing her neck position for some future treatment |
Close-up of Ressel actually performing neck procedure or assessment. |
Ressel appears to be checking client with technique that resembles "applied kinesiology" |
Another view of this technique often used by chiropractors and others. Most people consider it a parlour trick. |
Another marvelous mall tool. Put the patient on platform, and through her clothes, tell her she has spinal subluxation. |
Kid's First at Ressel's Patient First Chiropractic and Wellness Centre. |