
If you would like to support our efforts to educate the public about the serious problems that face the chiropractic industry today, ChiroWatch is now available for your donations. Whether you have been injured by a chiropractic manipulation, scammed by one of their bizarre methods or gizmos, or told that your child should never get their shots, you now have the chance to help us continue this valuable free service.
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Laurie Jean & Lana Dale Memorial Moratorium
April 30, 2004 - Across Canada press conferences were held by the families and their supporters to demand an immediate stop for all chiropractic high neck manipulations. The chiropractic regulators across Canada have failed to voluntarily halt this useless and dangerous procedure. There have been two inquests that found that the chiropractors were at fault. There have been numerous lawsuits over the years, and yet the procedures continue with the blessings of chiropractic associations and regulators. Governments that cover chiropractic still pay for this procedure. The families are supported by pediatricians, neurologists, and other experts who have seen the chiropractic regulators dance around any thought of meaningful self-regulation.
  • Press release - April 30, 2004
  • Go to Chiropractic Neck Manipulation Page on ChiroWatch for more

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    Autism's False Profits: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure (Hardcover)

    Dr. Paul Offit's amazing new book about the history of the anti-vaccine movement and the international brigade of corrupt researchers, ambulance chasing lawyers, politicians and advocacy groups who helped manipulate the parents of those children who were autistic. The anti-vaccine movement has caused significant harm to public health efforts around the world. The publication of this book may signal the beginning of the end to their position. Time will tell whether or not this will stop their insanity and manipulation of science.
    Anti-Vaccine Report

    Anti-vaccine delusions
    The Chiropractic War
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    CCO Standards of Practice - S-015

    The College of Chiropractors of Ontario have proposed an update to their previous Standards of Practice in regards to immunizations. S-015 was circulated for comment to all chiropractors in Ontario last year, and was passed on February 10, 2004, pending the acceptance of the minutes by the full executive committee.�

    The lastest version provides for some very stiff fines and possible removal from the registry if chiropractors do not comply. But, there is one strange thing about this all. Why didn't the committee put in a statement that chiropractors must approve of immunizations if asked. The way it reads could actually prohibit a chiropractor from saying anything to their patients, pro or con.

    If anyone knows what was going on inside the CCO and would care to comment, please do.

    Chiro Anti-Vax News

    Information Session - Monday Dec 3, 7 - 8 p.m.

    Cynthia Simmons anti-vaccine talk at Georgetown chiropractor's office

    Gabor Madarasz, DC of Georgetown, Ontario is hosting Cynthia Simmons at his PainFree Life Chiropractic Centre. Notice the Christian fish logo on his web site. Simmons makes the claim that she is a doctor of homeopathy. In Ontario, homeopaths are not licensed, registered or regulated. Homeopaths are not allowed to use the term Dr. in front of their names.
    So, why would a registered chiropractor align themselves with somebody who is clearly not regulated, and how could they not know that their agenda aims to destroy the public health system in our Province by preaching lies about immunizations.

    Madarasz must know that the fact that he is supporting this talk in his own office clearly places his registration at risk. He could be fined up to $25,000 by the College., and face up to 6 months behind bars if he is found guilty.

    Simmons has her own office in Acton, Ontario and that office is called HEAL THYSELF Family Naturopathic & Weight Loss Clinic. It's really funny because there is no naturopath that is listed at their clinic.

    The Board of Directors of Drugless Therapy - Naturopathy, which will apparently come under regulation as health profession in a few years has the right to demand that Simmons cease her claims that her clinic in fact is a naturopathic one. Simmons recommends dubious tests on her own web site, including hair analysis, oxidata testing of the urine that purports to detect cell damage in minutes. Wow, am I impressed!!!

    Couple these to tests with more of the same rubbish:

    • Saliva Testing of Steroid Hormones - Identifies overt deficiency or excess (eg. Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA, Corticsol, Melatonin)
    • DIA Test : C Breath Test for Insuline Resistance : a non-invasive testing kit for teens to check their insulin sensitivity
    • Thyroid Activity Tests: Iodine Skin Absorption Test; Basal Body Temperature Test
    • Zinc Taste Test: to check ZINC deficiency
    • pH Saliva Test
    • Urinalysis Strip Test
    • Blood Pressure
    In other words, Simmons is basically practicing medicine without a license, and she should be investigated for health fraud by the Ministry of Health.

    • Tony Hammer hammers anti-vax author - Windsor, Ontario medical doctor goes after Catherine Diodati, author and anti-vaccine supporter of chiropractors who want to destroy the public health care system of Ontario. In Catherine Diodati's anti-vaccination rant ("Safety of Vaccines may be deciding factor", April 14th, 2004) she would have us believe that "bullying" Canadian physicians are either sufficiently malevolant or indifferent to the welfare of their patients to use false science to justify the injection of useless toxic vaccines which result in widespread disease and suffering.

      As for the chiropractors, there is a renegade fringe of this profession who believe that immunization is somehow within the scope of their practice and take every opportunity to spread their anti-vaccination unscientific beliefs far and wide. This is in direct contravention of the rules of the Chiropractic College of Ontario and and is a threat to the health and welfare of the public at large. It must be convenient for them to escape sanction by using Ms. Diodati as their spokesperson because as a physician I would probably lose my licence for spreading such dangerous falsehoods.

    Anti-Vaccine Chiropractors
    How dangerous are they?

    ChiroWatcher by Dr. Terry Polevoy, MD

    About ten years ago in Canada the anti-vaccine wing of the chiropractic community started an alarming trend. Some formed into a group, called the CAC (Chiropractic Awareness Council), to promote their rants against medical doctors, the pharmaceutical cartels, and the efforts of nurses and public health workers to control outbreaks of deadly and preventable diseases.

    Some chiropractors, like Waterloo, Ontario's Jeff Winchester paraded around high schools during meningitis outbreaks, hogging the media, writing letters, and proclaimed that a life-saving meningitis shot was not necessary. That was after two young teenage girls had died a week or so before. Beyond belief, he was supported in his efforts in the press by other chiropractors. When someone very high up in the Ontario government called the CCO's head official to complain, Jeff shut his trap, but it wasn't long before he again spoke out against other public health and vaccines.

    His latest office web site (November 2009)Maximized Living Dr. Winchester, continues to promote his practice. Thousands of cars drive by his offices every day in the most intelligent city in the world. Whether they believe what the sign says is really questionable.

    Despite all the efforts of the Chiropractic College of Ontario to stop anti-vaccine rhetoric, it appears that some chiropractors, like Winchester, may have ignore the Standards of Practice.

    Jeff Winchester, nearly 12 years after the meningitis outbreak had the balls to put this picture up in front of his office in early November 2009 during the H1N1 outbreak.

    Winchester billboard - Ask Me About H1N1 - November 11, 2009

    Some chiros, desperate to build their pediatric-based practices took out advertisements in newspapers and TV shows to spew forth their crazy views.

    Katrina Kulha's risk awareness eveningsKatrina Kulhay's Vaccine Risk Awareness Some like Katrina Kulhay, had the balls to charge the public $20 and they had to bring a potluck dinner to attend Thursday Night Vaccine Nights at the Kulhay Wellness Centre in Toronto. The pregnant women, bearing young toddlers by the armful, are thrilled and mesmerized by Kulhay's wit and wisdom. Stuffing their faces on sweet potatoe time, and kishka, or perogies, they then have the extreme pleasure of viewing a marvelous film produced down-under called "Vaccination - The Hidden Truth" That same centre is now recruiting doctors as general practitioners to rent space from them, and they are advertising in the Medical Post, and the Ontario Medical Review (the official publication of the Ontario Medical Association). Why would a medical doctor want to associate their practice with someone who charges people to listen to a terrible video that lies to the public.

    When the CCO, (Chiropractic College of Ontario), the official body in Ontario that regulates chiroprators, were informed about the numerous anti-vaccine practices and promotions over the years what did they do? The meningitis outbreak was 1997-1998. Newspaper ads continued, radio and TV appearances continued, articles continued penned by leading executives of the CCO in alternative health magazines that are handed out as freebies at health food stores. What did the CCO do about these tactics?

    In late 2003, the CCO proposed a new Standards of Practice that would enable them to more easily control anti-vaccine activity in their professional. Unfortunately, the CCO has removed the draft of the proposal from their own web site prior to a bombshell CBC Marketplace (see below) that tore them apart from shred to shred. Some say that if the proposed standards are passed, it might mean that some chiropractors could lose their ability to be chiropractors.
    Ogi Ressel adjusing neck at the Royal Botanical Gardens Some, like Burlington chiropractor Ogi Ressel, who have already had their license suspended and their court appeals exhausted, are now promoting their own chiropractic pediatric courses. As a subscribing member to organizations like the Vaccine Risk Awareness Network, and the National Vaccine Information Center, he has a unique ability to spin yarns and move audiences to tears about the harmful effects of vaccines. Will Ogi Ressel registration, suspended for 9 months, be able to run these seminars under the watchful eyes of the CCO Fitness to Practice Committee?

    Because of the latest "threats" by the CCO against the pediatric chiropractic juggernauts, they have banded together in additional groups in an effort to divide and conquer. Some have toned down their web sites, while others have gone over the top by whipping up controversy wherever they go. So, why not bring in the heavy guns, when your friends here are dangling by a really tight noose.

    Pediatric chiropractic seminars have flourished over the years, but instead of being taught at a hotel near the airport in Toronto, they have now been moved into buildings a the University of Toronto, and OISE. Canadian chiropractors have assisted their buddies, their carpetbagging, money-grubbing friends from the U.S. to teach courses, and sell their media kits, CD-ROMS, videos, and flashy brochures and books. The target are those chiropractors who basically are having a really hard time earning a living. Threatened by the recent Lana Dale Lewis inquest to Canadian chiropractors so that they can break the Standards of Practice of the CCO. What chutzpah, what rubbish, and what a shame that the Minister of Health of Ontario sits on his fat butt and does nothing.

    If you would like more information about pediatric chiropractic I suggest that you click on some of the links here, and in the rest of the articles below:

    What the public is most likely to buy at Amazon, may not always be the best thing to read, especially those who also go to chiropractors.

    CBC Marketplace

  • Transcript of CBC Marketplace - January 20, 2003

  • Shot in the Arm on CBC's Marketplace - January 20, 2004 - Watch the entire show on the internet. Watch Tedd Koren at work hawking his CDs and workbooks in Quebec City, and perky Martha Collins in Kingston. When she isn't performing miracles by reverting third-trimester mothers who have a breech presentation, she's apparently busy telling parents that they really don't need to give their baby's shots. When asked about measles outbreaks around the world and what would happen if there was an outbreak in Kingston, she looked dumbfounded. Whether or not it's the stellar performance of a carpet-bagging American with money to burn, or an airhead statement made by a chiropractor who treats pregnant mothers, it's all here. The best part of the show was the interview with chiropractor and PhD student Dr. Jason Busse who looked like he was about ready to file complaints himself against anti-vax chiros. He is the lead author of a paper in the CMAJ that chronicles the growth in anti-vaccine attitudes among CMCC students. I loved when the camera zoomed in on Martha Collins' own web site where she is supposed to present a balanced approach to vaccine information. Duh, what did they find, ten out of the fourteen links were to sites that did not provide positive information about vaccines.

    My suggestion to Tedd Koren, Martha Collins and the entire board of the Chiropractic Awareness Council is to ask them nicely to stop showing anti-vaccine videos, and to stop lying to their patients about vaccines. Perhaps they could leave practice and travel around the world for Parker Seminars and stay away from patients for a few years while we try to play catch-up and make sure children are properly immunized in North America.

    For those chiropractors who have to sit through the self-promotions of some delusional chiropractic promoters to learn how to make money in Canada, well that's another story. To those chiropractors who follow a particular science-fiction based religion to help them recruit office staff, and promote their practices at flea markets, and shopping malls, I suggest that you get another job. The government is getting very tired of paying for your nonsense in Ontario. The performance demonstrated on Marketplace will certainly assist in plugging the leaky holes in our publicly funded healthcare system in Ontario that still funds pediatric chiropractic nonsense.

    Martha Collins rebuts Marketplace and promotes anti-vax lecturer

    • Marketplace - Weekly Newsletter Lifeline - January 21, 2004 Martha, who brags on her own web site that she reverted the fetus of a mother who was in the middle of her third trimester in one of her other newsletters take a bold step here. Not only does she thoroughly trash the CBC Marketplace program that put her front and centre, and under attack by Wendy Mesley, she now helps to promote another anti-vaccine chiropractor named Tim O'Shea.

      The old CCO policies that have been in place for years are undergoing a complete makeover. Anyone who promotes anti-vaccine rhetoric in their capacity as a healthcare professional can lose their license. Does she not care about any of this? The CCO says that any chiropractor's web site is an extension of their office. Well, if the CCO says that chiros can't talk in their office against vaccines, then who the hell think she is kidding?

      The new proposed Standards of Practice that keeps chiropractors from exposing anti-vaccine views to their patients has been mysteriously taken down from the CCO web site. We have archived it here for your review

      Tim O'Shea is a rabid anti-vax, anti-medical one-man band, honking his horn around North America, vying for space on the marquee with people like Tedd Koren. Some of O'Shea's appearances have been at or near major chiropractic colleges around the world. His web site is in California and is a fine example of pseudocientific mumbo-jumbo and misinformation. His c.v. indicates that he is an expert, or treats patients with several dubious diagnostic methods which include live cell microscopy, and SEMG He preaches that mercury in vaccines causes autism. Of course there is zero evidence for that.

      O'Shea will be in Toronto and Montreal this weekend, and the meeting is open to the public. I wonder if the CCO or the Minister of Health, or Canadian Customs and Revenue will be there to take notes and make sure that someone pays sales tax, and collects GST.

      O'Shea is licensed and practices in San Jose, California. His license number is 17775.

      Why would Canadian chiropractors want to hear this man talk, knowing that the CCO is about to let the axe fall on some of them? Who were the chiropractors who invited him here? In his all-day love-in with he will be flaunting his wares to the public for a nice price:

      • History of vaccines
      • Ingredients of vaccines
      • How vaccines are made
      • Current laws regarding vaccines
      • The Germ Theory of Disease
      • Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde
      • Role of the FDA
      • Natural vs. artificial immunity
      • Scientific proof of efficacy
      • Hematology review - blood detox
      • Gulf War Syndrome
      • Exemption forms / exemption laws
      • The real causes of disease
      • Comparison with Europe's required list
      • Bioterrorism and vaccines
      • Difference between vaccination and immunization
      • The human genome
      • Dr Andrew Wakefield, autism, and MMR
      • Why there are 40 mandated vaccines for US school children
      • Congressional hearings on autism, mercury, and anthrax, Rep. Dan Burton
      • Bioterrorism vaccines coming soon: AIDS, anthrax, smallpox, SARS
      • Hepatitis A and the new High Risk Category
      • The new Mandated Schedule
      • The history and science of smallpox vaccine

      His ideas are outdated, inflammatory, unscientific, and they just don't make sense. When is the CCO going to move to block the cross-border antics of unwanted, carpetbagging, money-hungry American chiropractor showman who are not in any danger of losing their bloody licenses up here? Can we ban them from coming here?

      Do people like Koren and O'Shea pay income taxes in Canada? What do they tell the Canadian Custom's officials when they cross the border with tens of thousands of dollars worth of tapes, CD-ROMS, and books to sell? What about their professional fees? If they don't pay taxes, we are not only being misinformed, we are being ripped-off big time.

      As adults, we can make a choice if we want to get our shots. But, when Koren and O'Shea come up here to educate the ignoramus chiropractors that they can still teach their patients refuse their shots, or their children's shots, then that is unconscionable.

    • Ryerson University hosts Tedd Koren on vaccines - November 14, 2003
      Is this a fund raiser for anti-vaccine chiropractors in Toronto? There will only be 350 tickets sold through ticketmaster. The organization that put this meeting together is apparently under the watchful guidance of a group of Toronto area chiropractors who call themselves TeamChiroGta. Their obvious mission is clearly stated on their web site: "In the spring of 2000, a new vision for optimal health was created for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Principled Chiropractic Family Wellness Centres united their visions for a subluxation-free city and world. At present there are over 30 centres operating with this vision."

      "To improve public health in the GTA and create the world's first Subluxation free city. We will accomplish this through the unification of Chiropractic Wellness Centres to form a Chiropractic Wellness Family designed to encourage as many families as possible to experience the direct and indirect benefits of optimal health and healing through natural Chiropractic care."

    • Click here to see the Ryerson flyer - 1.2 meg .pdf file
    • Link to web site for Drs. Gus & Jacqueline Tsiapalis' Vaughn Chiropractic - There web site is called Their practice pushes the envelope as far as CCO policies are concerned. The CCO says that websites are nothing more than extensions of the chiropractors' office. Claims are made for specialization in pediatrics which is not allowed in Ontario. The site is full of claims that are clearly outside the scope of practice for chiropractors in Ontario. Why in the world would these chiropractors be linked to an anti-vaccine movement? Are they members of the Guelph based Chiropractic Awareness Council, that has always been vehemently anti-vaccine?

  • Voodo medicine lives!- Margaret Wente - The Globe and Mail - December 19, 2000 Just a few days ago, Dr. Patricia Marchuk saw a new mother who had brought in her three-month-old baby for a routine checkup. The baby was already late for her first set of shots. "I'm not going to give them to her," proclaimed the mom. "I'm terrified of them." She had it on good authority that immunizations are dangerous, and can cause crib death, allergies, asthma, even autism and juvenile delinquency.
  • Anti-vaccine rhetoric is a threat to public health - Terry Polevoy - The Record - Dec. 12, 2000
    For over a half-century the chiropractic profession has been at war against immunization. This is a serious public health matter in Canada and the U.S.

    Chiropractors are paid by governments and private insurance plans to provide alternative health care to patients of all ages. Why should they be paid if they oppose public health programs such as vaccination programs to control illness and death?

    In Canada, one of the worst clashes with the medical establishment was not half-century ago, but in the last three years. A group called the Chiropractic Awareness Council was formed to oppose mandatory vaccination programs, especially in infants and children. Some of their members have stood outside of their local high schools with signs telling students that they didn't need the shots during a severe outbreak of meningococcal meningitis that had already claimed 2 lives.

    Others hosted TV talk shows and tried to promote anti-vacccine guests. Others paid for infomercials where they tried to recruit pregnant mothers who would have to pay for the privelege of watching a very poorly done anti-vaccine video from Australia.

    Anti-vaccine cartoon in shape of Swastika

    'Louise had measles - needlessly'

    Josie Bate is angry that parents won't trust the MMR vaccine. LOUISE BATE is gazing listlessly from her mother's arms, showing little interest in her toys or her three-year-old brother, William, playing on the floor. Aged nine months, she is just recovering from a dose of measles that has left her drained of energy.

    She lays the blame at the door of other parents who are refusing to let their children have the three-in-one measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination.

    Anti-vax chiros on parade

    • CCO proposed Immunization Standards of Practice - S-015 - distributed to all Ontario chiropractors for their comments. This is an Adobe .pdf file. Many anti-vaccine chiropractors are really pissed off about this and have initiated a concerted effort to overturn this proposed change to the chiropractic standards of practice.

    • Jason and Danella Whittaker - King City, Ontario - search for vaccine

    • Newsletter protests CCO regulation of their right to inform patients about the problems with vaccines

    • Brian Nantais already investigated by the CCO invites Whittaker to present anti-vacccine seminar

    • Martha Collins doesn't like CCO regulation either - Planet Chiro rant. "I, for one, would rather not practice at all, than practice in a profession that is a limp, fearful, and weak replica of its former self. We must carefully look at all of the ramifications of this proposed change because the health and the lives of our patients are in jeopardy."

      "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

    • Jeff Winchester - 1997- Waterloo anti-vaccine chiropractor picketed local high school during meningitis outbreak and told students that the shot was not really necessary. His own billboard said the same thing. His interviews on TV, radio and in the newspapers helped convince Ontario's chief coroner that the time was ripe to pick up the phone and talk to the head of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario. As a result Jeff Winchester was silenced outside his office for a while anyway.

    • Jeff Winchester - 1998

    • - London, Ontario uses outdated information to scare the public. There are four chiropractors at this office including Robert Eidt, Greg Roberts, Tyler Eidt, and Tyson Eidt. I wonder what kind of understanding of epidemiology and public health any of these licensed healthcare professionals have. Why does the Province of Ontario pay these people to spread misinformation in violation of the CCO policies on immunizations?

    • Jeff Needham - Sarnia, Ontario This young chiropractor who moved to a small city in Southwestern, Ontario in September 2001 found it hard to tell the truth about vaccines and other innate subjects. His advertising and promotional campaign was so out of line with acceptable chiropractic regulations by the College of Chiropractor of Ontario that even the local chiropractic society held a special meeting about him. Why do we know this?

      Note below that Jeff used to work in London, Ontario and he's still practicing with this anti-vaccine attitude. What does that say about the enforcement of chiropractic regulations and policies by the CCO?

    • Jeffrey Needham - London, Ontario - Redirecting the "Misdirected Faith" - from an article posted to the Planet Chiro Web site on December 6, 2000. Marvel at the "free" flu vaccine everyone is taking, as medicine believes an epidemic is lurking. Marvel that your shots won't strengthen your immune system. Marvel that there is no science to support vaccines. Marvel at the million's likely to battle a flu episode even after receiving the vaccine. Marvel that drugs and vaccines don't prevent or eliminate. Marvel that the vaccines you and your children take contain formaldehyde and mercury, two known cancer-causing agents. Marvel that the vaccines for measles, chickenpox and mumps allow children to still battle these ailments anyway. Marvel that they too contain the same cancer-causing agents just as the flu vaccine.
    • Tony Hammer's complaint to the CCO - December 2001

      The web site for Needham Chiropractic was removed from the web on December 14, 2001.

      (The statements made by this Ontario chiropractor are not only grounds for an official complaint to the College of Chiropractors of Ontario, they represent a serious endictment of almost all chiropractic theories. This man doesn't know fact from fiction. He says that you have an 8% chance of being injured or dying at the hands of a hospital employee. He repeats unsubstantiated claims about the medical care system. Is he an evangelical prophet or a dangerous messenger of things to come, where chiropractors and naturopaths armed with their bare hands and Vega machines will usurp the position of surgeons, obstetricians and pediatricians in the new age scheme of things? St. Joseph's Hospital will have to close down and be replaced with a twenty story version of Dr. Needham's Miracle Cure Emporia.)

    • links to Tim O'Shay - April 10, 2001 This fellow runs his own web site It's dedicated to what he feels is the truth. I beg to differ.

    • Ogi Ressel - Three-Ring Circus in Burlington

    • Miche Whitney and Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock win awards Does the CCO support this?

    • Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock opinion about skull smashing doctors
    • Birth is a normal biological process. It does not require management as a disease, but even a seemingly "uneventful" birth is stressful and traumatic for the mother and neonate. Pregnancy and birth have special significance for the chiropractor, as often the mother and child are exposed to harmful routine practices for which scientific investigation is poorly documented, or often not assessed for long-term effects on the fetus and the mother. With respect to the infant, the longer undetected dysfunction is allowed to continue in the developing nervous system and spine, the greater the potential to affect the patient.

    • Subluxations are caused by trauma (micro or macro), chemical stress or toxicity and autosuggestion, it is important to evaluate exposure of the infant in these areas.

    • In animal science research, equivalent amounts of ultrasound have been shown to cause frank demyelination in rats, cell growth pattern defects, long-term DNA effects and genetic changes.

    • Birth history is significant, as demonstrated in a published report which compared types of suicides to birth trauma stress and postulated the effect due to imprinting. Of the adult suicides studied, those individuals who experienced suffocation deaths had a history of birth asphyxiation; those who died through violent mechanical death experienced mechanical birth trauma; and those who experienced drug addiction were associated with mothers who had opiate or barbiturate administration during labor.
    • (What in the world is this all about? Autosuggestion, imprinting, violent mechanical deaths? All this caused by the mother, by the doctor, and by the baby? None of it is caused by chiropractors? Hmmm, I wonder how Elizabeth came to this earth? Was she plucked from the sky? Did her parents wish her to be borne? Give me a break folks, this is the 21st Century and these folks are talking about theories of medicine and metaphysisics that went out with the last Salem witch trial, or was it the last Oprah or Larry King show? Beam me up Scotty, I've got to remember to unsquash my head.)

    • Colette Szalay - Peterborough, ON - Columnist
      Peterborough This Week column called Health Matters offers advice in this regular column in this community newspaper.

    • Kim Kinat - CAC member from Guelph believes siamese twins can't both catch measles. I think that Kim is ready for the C-Files.

    • Mark C. Mitchell - The Record - Kitchener-Waterloo - He's got a million questions, but no answers. The CAC can't get him out of this one.

    • Colin Elkin - former Rogers-TV host of Healthline

    • Jeffrey Beleutz vs. Patricia Marchuk small-town war zoneThis one you don't want to miss. There are more links to chiropractic sites that will convince you all to move to Quebec where they don't pay for chiropractors at all.

    • Katrina Kulhay - infomercial queen

    • Brownwyn Hancock's video
    • Gerry Bohemier - Winnipeg chiropractor runs the Eagle Foundation
    • Chiropractor's campaign raises complaints from doctors, govt. - Medical Post

      Both the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba and the province's ministry of health have sent letters of complaint to the Manitoba Chiropractors Association (MCA) regarding a Winnipeg chiropractor and his campaign against vaccinations for children.

      "We are asking the MCA to investigate Dr. Gerald Bohemier on the grounds that he is practising outside the scope of chiropractic and that he is circulating an anti-vaccination book that contains numerous falsehoods," said Dr. Digby Horne of Manitoba Health. "To us, that constitutes professional misconduct."

      College registrar Dr. Ken Brown said the reaction among doctors to Dr. Bohemier's statements range from disbelief to alarm.

      "He relies heavily on a book by an Australian Dr. Viera Scheibner," Dr. Brown said. "She uses the title 'principal research scientist.' The only mention we can find of her is in relation to research on the effects of caffeine on rats. Her book is not credible."

      The MCA's view, as outlined by executive director Dr. Gerry Clement, is that Dr. Bohemier is expressing his personal opinion based on his own research.

      While the Canadian Chiropractors Association accepts vaccination as an effective and clinically efficient public health prevention procedure for certain viral and microbial diseases, its position is that parents have the right to make informed decisions concerning their children's vaccinations.

      In addition, the MCA passed a resolution in 1991 supporting individuals' rights to select their own health care as long as they are aware of the possible adverse effects of their choices.

      In the meantime, the college and Manitoba Health have begun distributing written information to Manitoba doctors to help them answer patients' questions about vaccinations and potential side effects.

      "We can't ignore Dr. Bohemier just because his claims are incredible," said Dr. Brown.

      (Ed. A search for the Eagle Foundation web site came up with nothing on December 10, 2000. Perhaps the message has gotten through to Bohemier)

    • Did Gerald Bohemier use his patient's records for political purposes? - Manitoba Ombudsmen In April 1999, the print media reported that three Winnipeg chiropractors had used personal health information of their patients to send a letter seeking support for a political nominee. The Manitoba Ombudsman's Office commenced an investigation into the matter that these chiropractors may have used and disclosed patients' personal health information contrary to The Personal Health Information Act. This is their report.

    • Gerry may sue the government of Manitoba because they don't defend his position on pediatric chiropractic.

      The Fight is On in the Canadian Prairies!

      The Manitoba Chiropractors Association has had all it can stands and it can't stands no more! (Especially nostalgic comment for those of us who grew up with Popeye and Olive, if not just bad grammar). Seems our quiet and reserved colleagues to the north aren't taking any guff from the Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons any more.

      According to the Winnipeg Free Press, the suit is "for defamation for articles it says wrongly imply chiropractors overcharge and needlessly extend treatment." The defamation stems from an article published in a College of Physicians and Surgeons journal that was also posted on the Internet that implied "there were a significant number of chiropractors who were incompetent or did not follow competent practices."

      Of particular concern is a comment in a recent report entitled Pediatric Death Review. The review was related to every pediatric death in Manitoba in 1994. While not a single child who died had been under chiropractic care, the second recommendation of the report involved limiting access of children to chiropractic care in Manitoba! MCA spokesman, Dr. Gilbert Bohemier was quoted in the Free Press as saying, "We're just getting fed up with all this stuff. Over 15 percent of the population of Manitoba utilizes chiropractic care...we can't get any where with them in a gentlemanly fashion, so we're going to sue them."

    • How in the world did they elect him president of the Manitoba Chiropractic Association?
    Hot Stuff on HealthWatcher

  • CMCC move to York U.?
  • Meningitis deaths
  • Ontario chiros
  • Colin Elkin fired
  • Doggie chiro
  • Radio chiro
  • Helpd Tyrell Dueck
  • Chelation racket
  • GHB-GBL deaths
  • Ecstasy deaths
  • St. John's OTC ban
  • GroBust busted
  • Sk cartilage
  • Elk velvet antler
  • Imedeen
  • Triax Dangers
  • Metabolife 20/20
  • Cellasene Phantasy
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  • Major reviews of anti-vaccine chiropractors

    Anti-vaccine chiropractors are dangerous

    • Is Brad Burke of Arizona City a danger to public health? - Or is he just trying to build his practice? In my opinion his rant against vaccines to a small audience is a prime examples of the delusional belief system of many chiropractors. In this smalltown newspaper, it would seem to me that the editor must also be living under the same delusion. This is one of the worst examples of journalism and of chiropractic anti-vax promotions that I have ever seen.

    • Some chiropractic reasons for child abuse in 2010 - Theresa Warner's point of view
    • Failure to have a newborn checked for subluxation at birth.
    • Children not receiving regular chiropractic check-ups.
    • Vaccination.
    • Lines drawn over vaccine issue - WCA 1998 For years, chiropractors have been on the side of health care. They knew the best way to boost the human immune system was through subluxation correction. They were champions for the public's right to refuse to let themselves and their families be subjected to unwanted vaccine drugs.
    • Vaccinations and Freedom of Choice in Health Care - WCA Position Paper

      Medical and scientific research, as well as overwhelming clinical reports, have clearly demonstrated the potential for risk posed by many commonly administered vaccines. These same reports have indicated that the effectiveness of many of these vaccines has not been adequately proven. Based on such evidence, doctors of chiropractic have been joined by progressive medical doctors and public health administrators in questioning public policy regarding mandatory vaccines.

      No health care practitioner, consumer or health care advocate, or patient, should be discriminated against, harassed, pressured, or prosecuted for refusing to receive vaccines, or for advocating the ban on vaccines or mandatory vaccine programs. This applies as well to parents or guardians when making health care decisions for children.

      (Their main reason for being is to battle drug companies. There is not one shred of truth in anything they say, or do. But, what they say and do is destructive to the public's health and to the treasuries of our Provincial government)

    • Netk Tackles Immunization Fears Health Scout Study shows one in four parents have misconceptions about vaccine safety

      A new study shows that, despite standard vaccination schedules and an abundance of information, many parents still hold misconceptions about the safety of vaccines.

    • Shots won't hurt at all - National Post - March 22, 2001 No correlation can be found between autism and getting a measles shot
      In their misguided battle against childhood vaccinations, opponents not only fail to save children from autism, they also increase the risk of outbreaks of deadly diseases.

    • Misconcions about immunizations - Quackwatch Large percentages of chiropractors and naturopaths advise parents not to immunize their children. These actions are irresponsible and can cause serious harm both to patients and to our society as a whole.

    • Childhood Vaccinations What Every Parent Should Know - Readers Digest - Richard Goldbloom, MD People who oppose them have little science on their side

      Dr. Gerry Bohemier, a Winnipeg chiropractor, is an outspoken immunization opponent. He claims it's "a personal choice, a matter of freedom" for parents. None of his four children, now 13 to 21 years old, has been immunized. His nonprofit Eagle Foundation raises money to help families with alleged vaccination injuries seek compensation from the courts.

      It has supported two such cases so far, neither of which has yet to come to trial.

      Bohemier's views conflict with those of virtually the entire medical scientific community. When challenged, for example, with the fact that paralytic polio has almost disappeared from the face of the earth since the advent of polio vaccine, he makes the bizarre claim that "the definition of polio has been changed."

      Bohemier often quotes an anti-vaccination book by Viera Scheibner, an Australian who calls herself a medical researcher. Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System reportedly was paid for and distributed by Scheibner herself. I could find no record of her publications in peer-reviewed scientific literature of the past eight years. One of Scheibner's distinctions is to have won the Bent Spoon Award from the Australian Skeptics society, presented annually to the "perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific piffle." Still, about 10,000 North Americans buy her book each year.

      The net result of the harangues of antivaccination activists is that some children are denied the protection they need and deserve.

    • The question of measles - Medical Officer of Health Garry Humphreys Speaks Out -

      Humphrey takes direct aim at chiropractor Szalay's wayward ship and blows multiple holes in her sails. This is only the first letter that he intends to send the editor or Peterborough This Week.

    • Lon Morgan, D.C. debunks almost all of Viera Scheibner's claims - This is an excellent summary of what's wrong with crackpots who are promoted by the press. The press is as much to blame as those chiropractors who support this nonsense.

    • Chiropractic Issues on Immunizations - A Pro-Immunization web site

    • Anti-immunization scare: The inconvenient facts
      Dr. Steve Basser - Skeptics Australia Dr Viera Scheibner describes herself as a retired principal research scientist. She has a PhD in micropaleontology and in 1993 published a book - Vaccination 100 Years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System.

      My primary concern is as follows: Are parents who base their decision not to immunise their child on reading Dr Scheibner's book making a truly informed choice? Has Dr Scheibner presented her material in a scientifically balanced way? Is she telling the whole story?

    • Is the cure worth it? - Brad Everson - National Post In the 20th century, vaccines all but eliminated many childhood ailments. But a vocal minority questions whether the side effects are worse than the diseases. Few Canadians have seen the horrors of diphtheria, rubella or polio because of routine childhood immunization. Yet each year, roughly 34,000 children under the age of four do not get vaccinated. Some parents object to vaccination on religious or philosophical grounds. Others are swayed by claims that the cure is worse than the disease.

      For example, visitors to Canada caused outbreaks of measles recently in religious communities in Alberta and Quebec. In Manitoba, a rubella (German measles) outbreak occurred in 1997, with cases rising to 3,991 from 237 in 1996.

      Measles fading, but not completely gone -Victoria Stagg Elliott, AMNews staff. Dec. 11, 2000

      U.S. cases now are mostly imported from overseas, but public health experts stress that the highly contagious disease has not yet been eradicated.

    • Critics off-base - doctors - The Halifax Herald Polio is no longer crippling Canadian kids. Diphtheria is no longer killing them. Smallpox has been wiped off the face of the globe. Yet despite what many accept as solid proof that mass immunization programs can and do work, a small but vocal segment of the population view vaccinations as at best unnecessary and at worst a serious threat to the health of the children who receive them.

      "It's only a theory," Winnipeg chiropractor Gerry Bohemier says of the idea that immunizations work. "There is no information to indicate that these vaccinations are safe, that these vaccinations are necessary or that these vaccinations are the only thing that they could do to improve people's protection from some of these diseases."

    • What would happen if we stopped vaccinations? - CDC In the U.S., widespread use of measles vaccine has led to a greater than 99% reduction in measles compared with the pre-vaccine era. If we stopped immunization, measles would increase to pre-vaccine levels.

    • Measles Outbreak ---- Netherlands, April 1999 -- January 2000
      A Christian fundamentalist school and community was horribly affected by measles because they refused vaccination. Thousands were infected, and three died. This report summarizes the investigation of the measles outbreak in the Netherlands, which indicated that measles can be a severe disease among unvaccinated populations in the Netherlands. Measles vaccine is a highly effective method for preventing this disease, and lack of vaccination resulted in this outbreak. Similar to the outbreak of poliomyelitis among religious communities in 1992, measles spread from the Netherlands to Canada through visiting relatives. The resulting outbreak in Canada was limited to 17 cases within the religious community possibly because stringent control measures were taken.

    • The State of Ohio had no cases of measles in 1997 - that means that no one died, no one was deaf, retarded, or blinded because they caught measles in the wild state. This was in sharp contrast to a massive epidemic at Kent State University just a few years before.

    • Update - Vaccine side effects - CDC - A very complete discussion of almost all vaccines.

    Colette lied in her letter to the editor in October 31st issue of Arthur when she said:

    "But to vaccinate North American children with chicken pox and measles when these are normal childhood diseases is absurd. Having these diseases in childhood is mild, and provides life-long immunity, unlike vaccines. Research now shows that allowing a child to be exposed to these diseases and build up natural immunity is actually protective against future allergies and asthma."

    This recently graduated chiropractor has the bloody nerve to talk about measles being a mild disease. I lived in Ohio when there was a massive epidemic of measles at Kent State University. I don't know about what she means by "mild", but 1:1000 people who contract measles have grave complications. She also repeated her statements about SIDS in Japan which are totally false. She asks readers to contact her to collect more "misinformation" and recommends Viera Scheibner's scandalous book.

    She ends this letter by saying:

    If no one is speaking up to dispel the myths behind vaccinations, the least I can do as a service to my patients and the community at large is to educate."

    I challenge Szalay to define what the word "educate" means. If her definition of "educate" also includes brainwash, hoodwink, and lie to the public about the facts about immunizations, then she has done the community a great disservice. If she actually believes the rubbish put forth by anti-vaccine writers, without checking her facts, then she is not a very good journalist.

    I can't comment on her ability to express her thoughts to her own patients, nor do I have anything to say about her ability to practice her profession. I just want her to retract her misstatements in the press and for her statements to be reviewed by the Minister of Health, the local Medical Officer of Health and by the College of Chiropractors of Ontario.

    Peterborough resident's options

    If you see or hear any chiropractor telling anyone in public to avoid vaccinations, please feel free to call your local Medical Officer of Health office. Chiropractors will often invite their patients into their offices, or rent space in churches or libraries to promote their practice and their views. Some even rent space in shopping malls or community fairs to mesmerize the public about their skills in divining the innate intelligence that their treatments are based on. Somehow, most of us science-based folks just don't get it: Medical Officer of Health
    Peterborough County-City Health Unit
    10 Hospital Dr.
    Peterborough, ON K9J 8M1
    Telephone: 705-743-1000
    Fax: 705-743-2897

    If you feel that a complaint is warranted because a chiropractor promotes anti-vaccine rhetoric you may file an official complaint against them by contacting:

    College of Chiropractors of Ontario
    130 Bloor St. West, Suite 902
    Toronto, ON M5S 1N5
    Tel: 416-922-6355
    Fax: 416-925-9610
  • Canadian Quackerywatch