If you would like to support our efforts to educate the public about the serious problems that face the chiropractic industry today, ChiroWatch is now available for your donations. Whether you have been injured by a chiropractic manipulation, scammed by one of their bizarre methods or gizmos, or told that your child should never get their shots, you now have the chance to help us continue this valuable free service.
Chiropractic Class Action Lawsuit
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Laurie Jean & Lana Dale Memorial Moratorium
April 30, 2004 - Across Canada press conferences were held by the families and their supporters to demand an immediate stop for all chiropractic high neck manipulations. The chiropractic regulators across Canada have failed to voluntarily halt this useless and dangerous procedure. There have been two inquests that found that the chiropractors were at fault. There have been numerous lawsuits over the years, and yet the procedures continue with the blessings of chiropractic associations and regulators. Governments that cover chiropractic still pay for this procedure. The families are supported by pediatricians, neurologists, and other experts who have seen the chiropractic regulators dance around any thought of meaningful self-regulation.
Press release - April 30, 2004
Go to Chiropractic Neck Manipulation Page on ChiroWatch for more
Chiropractic Reviews - Are their claims valid?
Edzard Ernst, Andrew Gilbey
Background - Some chiropractors and their associations claim that chiropractic is
effective for conditions that lack sound supporting evidence or scientific rationale.
This study therefore sought to determine the frequency of World Wide Web claims of
chiropractors and their associations to treat, asthma, headache/migraine, infant colic,
colic, ear infection/earache/otitis media, neck pain, whiplash (not supported by sound
evidence), and lower back pain (supported by some evidence).
Methods A review of 200 chiropractor websites and 9 chiropractic associations’
World Wide Web claims in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom,
and the United States was conducted between 1 October 2008 and 26 November
2008. The outcome measure was claims (either direct or indirect) regarding the eight
reviewed conditions, made in the context of chiropractic treatment.
Results - We found evidence that 190 (95%) chiropractor websites made
unsubstantiated claims regarding at least one of the conditions. When colic and infant
colic data were collapsed into one heading, there was evidence that 76 (38%)
chiropractor websites made unsubstantiated claims about all the conditions not
supported by sound evidence. Fifty-six (28%) websites and 4 of the 9 (44%)
associations made claims about lower back pain, whereas 179 (90%) websites and all
9 associations made unsubstantiated claims about headache/migraine. Unsubstantiated
claims were made about asthma, ear infection/earache/otitis media, neck pain,
whiplash in at least half of all chiropractor websites.
Conclusions - The majority of chiropractors and their associations in the English-speaking
world seem to make therapeutic claims that are not supported by sound
evidence, whilst only 28% of chiropractor websites promote lower back pain, which is
supported by some evidence. We suggest the ubiquity of the unsubstantiated claims
constitutes an ethical and public health issue.
Spinal Decompression Challenged
Are chiropractors telling the truth?
- "Stretching the Truth?" - CBC Marketplace exposes the dangers of SBT
March 26, 2010 - What you need to know about a high-priced back pain treatment! Please leave your comments on their web site and tell us about your experience.
If you’ve ever suffered from back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. So it’s not surprising that many Canadians are willing to pay thousands of dollars for treatments that promise long-term relief.
The latest high-tech, high-priced back pain treatment is called “non-surgical spinal decompression therapy.” One of the most popular machines is called the DRX9000, which can pull on your back with over a hundred pounds of force. The Low Back Clinic, one of Canada’s largest chains offering this treatment, claims the pull from the DRX9000 separates your vertebrae so discs can be restored.
Many Canadians are paying big bucks – up to $5,000 – to get the DRX9000 treatments.
But does it really work? Marketplace’s Erica Johnson puts the machine to the test and reveals potential hidden dangers you need to know about.
- Richard Liem's Low Back Clinic advertisement that appeared in The Waterloo Record on April 4, 2009
- Canadian Decompression and Pain Centres - another company with branches across Canada fails to reveal who the "doctors" are that work in their clinics. One of their ads ran in The Waterloo Record on April 4, 2009, the same day that Richard Liem's advertisement ran. It was a full-page ad.
- More on Spinal Decompression Therapy
Alberta delists all chiropractic services
Paralyzed woman sues chiropractor, regulators and Alberta government for Half-Billion dollars
Sandra Nette's lawsuit - complete coverage
EDMONTON — A woman who says she became paralyzed after having her upper spine manipulated failed in her suit against the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors and the provincial government for half a billion dollars.
"A perfectly healthy young woman's life has been irreparably and devastatingly damaged as a result of her exposure to a chiropractor's manipulation of the vertebrae in her upper neck to correct alleged subluxations," says the statement of claim.
- Judge tosses out paralyzed woman's lawsuit against Alberta chiropractors - January 15, 2010
Court of Queen's Bench Justice Paul Belzil said the case, launched by Sandra and David Nette, did not satisfy the legal requirements needed for him to order a certification of a class-action lawsuit.
- Search Google for Alberta Chiropractic Stroke Lawsuit
- Search Google News for latest on chiropractor sued Alberta - There are two leading articles in June 21, 2008 editions of the Calgary Herald by Dr. Bill Kinsinger and the National Post by Ken Libin.
- Chiropractic Class Action Lawsuit - FMC law firm's own site.
- Sandy Nette's web site - Links to videos and commentaries
- Search videos
- CTV News Video clips - June 13, 2008
- Story by Paul Benedetti and Wayne MacPhail - June 12, 2008 - An Alberta woman, paralyzed after her neck was manipulated by a chiropractor, has launched the biggest-ever class action suit against chiropractic in Canada.
The suit, filed yesterday in Edmonton, is asking for more than a half billion dollars in damages not only for the victim, Sandy Nette and her husband, David, but for an entire class – anyone in Alberta treated or harmed by chiropractors who deliver "inappropriate and non-beneficial adjustments."
- Links to videos from David and Sandy NetteDavid Nette says, "I'm Not An Angry Man".
Shortly after visiting an Edmonton, Alberta chiropractor and having her neck manipulated, David Nette's wife, Sandy, suffered a stroke. Both vertebral arteries in her neck were torn on the inside and she was left almost totally paralyzed.
- Complete Statement of Claim - .pdf 81 pages
- Paralysis from chiropractic session - Join in with your own comments about chiropractic neck manipulation on this Blog.
UK chiropractors sue author Simon Singh
Furious backlash from Simon Singh libel case puts chiropractors on ropes
One in four chiropractors in Britain are under investigation as a result of campaign by Singh supporters - March 1, 2010 - The Guardian - Martin Robbins
As the British Chiropractic Association's battle with Simon Singh continues to work its way through the legal system, chiropractors are counting the financial costs of a major backlash resulting from a libel action that has left the Lord Chief Justice "baffled". What was originally a dispute between the BCA and one science writer over free speech has become a brutally effective campaign to reform an entire industry.
A staggering one in four chiropractors in Britain are now under investigation for allegedly making misleading claims in advertisements, according to figures from the General Chiropractic Council.
The Guardian removes critical article
British Chiropractors Join the Legal Intimidation Party - Holfordwatch coverage
Here is the full unedited version as preserved by GimpyBlog, as published by The Guardian, of Simon Singh’s article that was critical of chiropractors and is subject to legal threats by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) as reported by Holfordwatch and the Quackometer. I have added the evidence to support Singh’s claims.
Doctors take Simon Singh to court - The Telegraph - Simon Singh expected to arouse controversy when he claimed that chiropracters knowingly promoted bogus treatments for illnesses including asthma and ear infections. The bestselling author and Bafta-winning broadcaster did not, however, expect to have a High Court writ issued against him
CBC's Marketplace - February 2008
Is that thing in your shoe worth the money you paid?
The CBC is Canada's national television network. They have an investigative programme called Marketplace. The title of this weeks show is "Is that thing in your shoe worth the money you paid?" It can be viewed on the CBC website You just click to view the video. Comments can be left on the site.
Chiropractic Orthotic Schemes
CBC's Marketplace - February 2008
Is that thing in your shoe worth the money you paid?
The CBC is Canada's national television network. They have an investigative programme called Marketplace. The title of this weeks show is "Is that thing in your shoe worth the money you paid?" It can be viewed on the CBC website You just click to view the video. Comments can be left on the site.
The business of selling these expensive shoe inserts is examined. Chiropractors seem to be the main group of people selling these inserts and making big money.
The GaitScan system was demonstrated and one of the Canadian marketers was grilled about the cost of the orthotics, their effectiveness, etc. His answers were not very complete, especially when asked how much he charges the chiropractors for the inserts.
The response from a spokesman the Chiropractic College of Ontario was in my opinion totally evasive. I don't think that he understood the CCO's Standards of Practice - Orthotics that had been discussed since 2001.
Here is what the Standards actually say:
"Orthotics can be an integral part of patient care by chiropractors for the management of pedal pathologies and musculoskeletal symptomatology, and to alleviate pain and discomfort from abnormal foot function. Abnormal foot function may affect a patient’s kinetic chain, including legs, knees, hips and spine."
Treatment Protocols
Members shall adhere to the following treatment protocol:
- prescribing of appropriate orthotics for each patient;
- prescribing of custom orthotics when, in the member's clinical judgment or opinion, custom orthotics are required for the patient;
- therapeutic trial of care with all orthotics;
- assessing the outcome of care; and
- timely follow-up and re-assessment to determine if there is a need for different treatment and/or referral to a colleague or other health care provider.
Members shall comply with:
- the business practices provisions in the Professional Misconduct Regulation under the Chiropractic Act, 1991, including the requirement to disclose to a patient the fee for a service before the service is provided, including a fee not payable by the patient, and to itemize an account; and
- Policy P-036: Billing Practices, which provides that members may not bill any payor fees in excess of his/her normal fee billed to a private patient for similar services.
The cost of the orthotics must reasonably relate to the time and expertise of, and cost to, the member.
It is obvious to some insurance companies that examined the orthotics industry and the claims and practices of chiropractors in the Province of Ontario who seem to be selling them. I assume that they accomplished this way before the CBC's Marketplace did. I also assume that they would have employed undercover patients in their endeavor.
The CBC's hidden camera stings on several chiropractors who prescribed orthotics should nail the insert schlockers, but until other insurance companies take action this will go on and on. All you have to do is compare the Yellow Pages ads last year with next year's phone book to see who is still running the ads.
Orthotics investigations
Insurers put a foot down on orthotics abuse - Employee Benefits News Canada - December 2007
Responding to dramatically rising claims for orthotics and related products, some insurance companies have adopted changes, such as limiting the eligible providers who can prescribe and/or dispense these biomechanical devices.
Leslie Trotter is both a chiropractor and a pedorthist. She also consults to insurance companies investigating orthotics abuse and fraud.
In a recent presentation to the Canadian Health Care Anti-fraud Association's annual conference, she attributed at least part of the increase in claims to "push-marketing by labs to non foot-care professionals. If you go to one of these seminars, there is as much information about how to market orthotics to your patients as there is hard science as to why people need them."
Trotter also identified several blatant examples of orthotics fraud she has encountered.
Orthotic Promotions by Chiropractors
The American Chiropractor Magazine
Here's the Lowdown Chiropractic Products Magazine - December 2007
"Musculoskeletal problems begin at the feet. Orthotics can help."
This article contains links to major web sites of the marketers. It includes the company The Orthotic Group, that was investigated by CBC's Marketplace in February 2008.
Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group
Television Awareness Campaign Expanded
A support group for people injured by chiropractors expands its television public awareness campaign.
Wethersfield, CT (PRWEB) October 29, 2007 -- The Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group (CSAG) is expanding its television awareness campaign, this time asking the question, "Have you been injured by a chiropractor?" on the ABC affiliate in Connecticut. The public service announcement (PSA) then provides contact information for victims to seek information and support.
The PSA, which can be seen on WTNH-TV News Channel 8, is part of an ongoing public service effort (including print and outdoor advertising) designed to raise the public consciousness about the risks of chiropractic treatment. Last month CSAG launched the television component on WTIC-TV the Fox affiliate in Connecticut.
"The response has been overwhelming," said Amanda Thompson of CSAG. "Many people are coming forward to share their horror stories and to seek help."
The organization represents hundreds of people across the country who have been injured by chiropractic treatment. Potential risks can include stroke, permanent disability and even death. CSAG is dismayed at the chiropractic community's response of preferring not to inform patients apparently out of fear some people might decide against chiropractic treatment if they were informed.
"Sadly, the chiropractic industry remains more concerned about protecting profits than protecting their patients," Ms. Thompson said. "One must ask the question 'what are they afraid of?"
Contact Information:
Telephone: 860-529-8826
Christine Anderson faces California Board
August 17, 2007 - A few days ago the CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and the CMA (Canadian Medical Association) ethics office received a complaint that allegedly came from Christine Anderson. She claims to be a pediatric chiropractor and hails from from Hollywood, California.
It was basically the same complaint that was sent to these same agencies back in August 2000. Yes, the campaign to discredit me that was organized by Tim Bolen is still kicking around. Why this has started up again is beyond me?
If Christine Anderson did not actually send this, whoever did send it has forged her e-mail address. I've asked Anderson by e-mail if she indeed sent it, but so far she hasn't bothered to reply.
I have the full header of the e-mail. If it is her, there are things that those of us who have been targets of Tim Bolen and others need to know.
It may be that Anderson could have actually been in contact with Tim Bolen who is hiding out in a cabin in a national forest in Orange County California. I wonder if he offered to help her prepare her defence in her upcoming hearing before the Chiropractic Board later this month. So far, there hasn't been anything else on the internet or Usenet about this.
In October 2006, Christine Anderson, DC, was accused by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners of a long list of violations of the Chiropractic Act.
Those charges are divided into two catagories:
* practicing outside of the chiropractic scope of practice
* the use of titles that she is not allowed to use (Diploma of Homeopathy)
* advocating homeopathic remedies to treat otitis media in children
* numerous anti-vaccine statements
* chiropractic adjustments help the immune and blood system function
* neuro emotional technique are effective for infertility
* SEMG (surface electromyography) can detect subluxations
* adjustments can reduce labor time and enhance placental function
* chiropractic care can help reduce complications during pregnancy
* chiropractic care is beneficial in high-risk pregnancies
* advertises the Webster Technique, a breech turning protocol
* subluxations can cause fallopian tube malfunction, and may result in infertility, ectopic
pregnancy and endometriosis
* subluxation may cause men to have problems with their penile or testicular
function, and also sperm production, maturation, erection and sperm flow
* infant car seats lack support of the neck which may cause subluxation
* emotional and toxic stress causes subluxation
* spinal checkups during pregnancy can detect and eliminate the restrictions
in the baby's development
* regular chiropractic care (or preferably in utero) absolutely helps
children grow up healthier and happier.
* it's important for kids to have their spines checked from birth onward and
that the only professional qualified to do this is a chiropractor.
* the use of non-invasive Bioenergetic testing/ Meridian Stress Assessment
can determine which foods and/or environmental factors one has allergies
* chiropractic technique can desensitize a person from specific allergies
* chiropractors are specialists when it comes to bones, muscle, and nerves
* She provides the following services: homeopathic remedies, flower remedies, homeopathic consulting, fertility/infertility counseling, allergy testing, bioenergetics testing, hair analysis, Doula and Birth support services, functional nutrition and other services.
A chiropractic license does not authorize the holder to deliver a human child, to practice obstetrics, or to use any drug or medicine included in the materia medica.
1. Revoking or suspending her license number DC-20869
2. Order her to pay the Board reasonable costs of the investigation and enforcement
3. Taking such other and further action as deemed necessary and proper
If the California Board disciplinary actions are productive, this may lead to a significant change in the practice of pediatric chiropractors across North America.
Kentucky chiropractor sees empire crumble
Dr. Paul Hollern once headed a chiropractic empire receiving part of the profits of about 80 practitioners across the country who had paid hundreds of thousands of dollars each for his "Uncle Paul Chiropractic Business Training." But now Hollern is bankrupt and charged with health-care fraud for allegedly teaching young chiropractors to sell patients unnecessary services. A federal grand jury also charged Hollern in February with videotaping patients at his Louisville-area chiropractic offices without their knowledge, violating patient privacy law.
Accreditor Implicated in Chiropractic College Overutilization Scam, Faces Hearing with US Department of Education
- The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) faces the music
The professional accrediting body for every chiropractic professional school in the United States, has been summoned to an upcoming meeting of the U.S. Department of Education to answer questions regarding several unaddressed complaints which pertain to its renewal of recognition with the agency.
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 6, 2006 at 8 a.m. EST at the Hilton Hotel located on 950 North Stafford Street in Arlington, Virginia. For more information, visit
WCA attacks Bridgeport Bus Ads
- WCA demands removal of anti-chiropractic ads from Bridgeport buses
Forms ‘Anti-Defamation Fund’ to fight hate campaign, Quackbusters
Terry Rondberg, the head of the WCA, an anti-medical, anti-vaccine extreme faction of chiropractic promoters, doesn't seem to understand that laws that protect the freedom of expression provides those who have been injured by chiropractors with the right to be heard, or seen, even in Bridgeport, Connecticut, the home of the University of Bridgeport.
They hired Carlos Negrete, a lawyer from California, who has a stellar record of backing quack causes, and who defends people who defame and libel others on the internet. These have included the likes of Tim Bolen, Hulda Clark, and others.
Terry Rondberg links
- - follow the links to the article and you can see that some people don't like him.
The Silent Killer?
In the late 1980s, the Vertebral Subluxation Research Institute (VSRI) was launched by Terry Rondberg, D.C., of Chandler, Arizona. Rondberg is president of the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA), a group that promotes subluxation-based practice and is president of Chiropractic Benefit Services, a malpractice company that insures subluxation-based chiropractors. He also publishes The Chiropractic Journal (a newspaper for chiropractors), the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research and Health Watch (a newsletter that attacks what it considers to be "the dangers and abuses of medical and drug interests."). VSRI taught chiropractors how to recruit "research volunteers" and convert them into lifetime chiropractic patients. Its chiropractor clients were instructed to use telemarketing and other approaches to ask people to volunteer for a nationwide study on spinal conditions. During the first office visit they would be examined and given a brochure -- "The Silent Killer" -- which explains how subluxations can be caused by physical, chemical, and emotional trauma. (The brochure claimed, for example, that food additives, air pollutants, spoiled food, fear, worry, hate, greed, sadness, grief, emotional shock, and severe disappointment can cause muscle spasms that result in subluxations.) During the second visit, they would be advised to have their subluxations treated. The VSRI program was concluded in 1991 [6]. A subsequent WCA survey found that 65% of members who responded said that their patient education material referred to the vertebral subluxation as the "silent killer."
- Was Rondberg part of ELAST's electodermal scam, or not? - publicly traded company's CEO comments on Rondberg's alleged role in marketing their products.
- SEC filings for PTSO - the company that bought out ELAST (ELPI) in 2002
- I believe that this may be a list of principle investors - Edgar
- Edgar On-line - new company symbol is PTSH
- just put it in the search frame
- Bloomberg current price quote - I think that investors have stopped supporting this stock over the last 8 months from the looks of things.
- Edgar report April 2001 where the ELAST device is described and Rondberg is mentioned in glowing terms as the head of their chiropractic division that wants to sell one of their bogus units to 50,000 chiropractors. Note the wild an unsupported claims made that the WCA represents the interests of 50,000 chiropractors and 10,000 others.
- Rondberg's own links
Negrete links
More links to Bridgeport Bus Ad controversy
Tedd Koren sued by Dr. Stephen Barrett
- Stephen Barrett's case for libel and defamation Chirobase -
Koren Publications is probably the world's largest supplier of patient education materials to chiropractors. Its president, Tedd Koren, D.C., also publishes an electronic newsletter and maintains a Web site. In 2002, Stephen Barrett, MD sued Koren and his company for falsely reporting that he had been "delicensed," am a " quackpot," and was "in trouble" because he had been justifiably sued for racketeering. Koren's report was based on a "news release" by Tim Bolen, a professional character assassin whom Barrett, Terry Polevoy, MD, and Christopher Grell are all suing for libel. Koren's answers during his deposition indicated that he neither knew nor cared whether what he said was true. In August 2004, an arbitration panel composed of three attorneys awarded Barrett $6,500 in general damages, $10,000 in punitive damages, reimbursement for certain costs, and publication of a retraction. Koren filed an appeal, and the trial began in Allentown, PA on October 10, 2005. Bolen's attorney, Carlos Negrete, was in the courtroom for the selection of the jury. Several jury pool members were rejected because they had been chiropratic patients.
Must Read!! U.S. Canada
Spin Doctors
The Chiropractic
Industry Under
Examination Paul Benedetti
Wayne MacPhail
Canadians visit chiropractors about thirty million times a year, and surveys show that patients are generally satisfied with them. But Paul Benedetti and Wayne MacPhail have another opinion. Their hard-hitting CANOE.CA web site called Spin Doctors I & II were instrumental in educating the public about the excesses of some chiropractors. This book took years to write, and it is a must read for anyone who plans to go for chiropractic treatment, or who pays for insurance that covers it.
When it comes to the latest chiropractic news turn to We deliver the news that you may not be able to find on the average chiropractic web site. Whether you're troubled about your loss of insurance coverage, legislation that effects your own practitioner, insurance fraud, or scandals about chiropractic education you can be sure that we will try to cover it.
RTE.IE - Irish Television Prime Time
- Dangers of Alternative Medicine Prime Time - May 5, 2005
Investigative anchor Donagh Diamond explores the fascination with alternative medicines and the dangers of chiropractic therapy. After a discussion of several deaths related to homeopaths in Ireland, REI producers travelled to Canada to cover the tragic stories about Laurie Jean Mathiason, Lana Dale Lewis, and Diane Rodrigue. The interviews with Dr. Brad Stewart, the neurologist from the University of Alberta are very powerful. You can watch the whole show. We hope that there will be DVDs available in NTSC format in the future.
FSU nixes chiropractic Fantasyland campus
What FSU's campus could have looked like if approved
January 27, 2005 - The Board of governors of Florida State University voted
10-3 today to once and for all to bury the idea that a publicly funded chiropractic college would be built in Tallhassee.
To summarize the present situation in a nutshell, diehard chiropractic legislators and their supporters in their brotherhood have failed in their attempt to ram a publicly funded chiropractic school down their throats.
Stay tuned to ChiroWatch for the fallout.
- Search Google News for FSU chiropractic
- Yahoo News on FSU chiropractic
- FSUblius - Blog on Perspectives on Academic and Research Programs at Florida State University
- Chronicle of Higher Education - Not in Our Backyard - Katherine Mangan
Doctors at Florida State's new medical college say a proposed chiropractic school would be a pain in the neck.
- Tempest in Tallahassee - Time Magazine - Leon Jaroff
The basic tenet of chiropractic holds — without any scientific evidence — that "subluxations", or misaligned vertebrae, impinge on spinal nerves and interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses between the brain and tissue cells, thus causing many disorders and diseases. By realigning the vertebrae, some chiropractors claim, they can promote fertility in women, reverse Parkinson's disease, treat infectious diseases as well as cancer and diabetes, and cure children of bed-wetting.
Libel Suit against Tedd Koren, D.C.
by Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Koren Publications is probably the world's largest supplier of patient education materials to chiropractors. Its president, Tedd Koren, D.C., also publishes an electronic newsletter and maintains a Web site. In 2002, I sued Koren and his company for falsely reporting that I had been "delicensed," am a " quackpot," and was "in trouble" because I had been justifiably sued for racketeering. Koren's report was based on a "news release" by Tim Bolen, a professional character assassin whom I am also suing for libel. Koren's answers during his deposition indicated that he neither knew nor cared whether what he said was true. In August 2004, an arbitration panel composed of three attorneys awarded me $6,500 in general damages, $10,000 in punitive damages, reimbursement for certain costs, and publication of a retraction. Koren has filed an appeal, which means that the case—if not amicably settled—will be tried again in front of a jury.
For Additional Information
Telephone Survey of Chiropractic Practices
Dr. Laidler teaches a college course on critical thinking in Portland, Oregon. His students organized a phone survey to see how local chiropractors viewed several issues for which their profession has been severely criticized:
(1) inappropriate use of spinal x-rays
(2) treatment of of ill-defined “subluxations”
(3) unsubstantiated “maintenance care”
(4) craniosacral therapy
(5) treatment of newborn infants
(6) advocacy of chiropractic newborn cared
(7) failure to recommend vaccinations
On September 2, 2004, the students called 48 offices, posing as potential patients. The results were alarming. This survey found a 100% incidence of beliefs and practices that are unsubstantiated or clash with established scientific knowledge. This suggests that the chiropractic reform movement has had little or no significant effect in the Portland metropolitan area.
Erin Elster continues to make unsupported claims for treatment of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's
- Chirowatch comments on Erin Elster
- Cary Polevoy - author and MS patient comment on Elster's claims
In response to the claim of Dr. Elster that "According to medical
research, head and neck injuries have long been considered a
contributing factor for the onset of both Multiple Sclerosis..." I have
reviewed the available material on this subject. A detailed search will
reveal to anybody that invests the time that more than 90 percent of
Internet references on this subject are simply repetitions of Dr.
Elster's claim, based on press releases and publication of her claims in
numerous places. There simply is not much research on this and, while
the phrase "long been considered" suggests some authority, it is empty
of any substance.
- This is MS web site comments on this study
Chiropractic Correction of Neck Injuries may Halt MS Progression
This is a novel study that attempts to show that chiropractic correction of upper neck injuries could halt or reverse progression of MS and Parkinson's Disease.
Anecdotally, many people report their MS as having been "triggered" by a traumatic event-- some emotional, such as the death of a loved one, and some physical, such as a car accident. The general thought was that the emotional stress of both types of traumas somehow triggered the MS. If you believe the implications of this study, then the physical trauma subgroup could be affected in part by the actual damage to the neck vertebrae.
We advise you to note that this was an uncontrolled, non-randomized trial-- take the conclusions with a measure of caution.
- National MS Society comments on chiropractic in general
Over the years, Erin Elster, a self-proclaimed so-called expert in a technique called "upper cervical" manipulation has made unsubstantiated claims that she can reverse the ravages of Multiple Sclerosis. Her published accomplishments have even made it to the Research News section of the Multiple Sclerosis Society in British Columbia, Canada.
There have been complaints about her "research" and claims made with the chiropractic board in Colorado. She's been featured on internet radio stations and parade out some of her "success" stories, too. A recent paper that she managed to get by the editors of the JVSR - Journal of Verterbral Subluxation Research. Of course most sane people would agree that there is really not too much credibility to that particular publication in the first place.
Of course that didn't stop the true-believers in subluxation miracles to flaunt this study as if it was the gospel truth:
New Back Pain "Clinics" Sprout Up at Wal-Mart
Dynamic Chiropractic
September 13, 2004, Volume 22, Issue 19
Is Retail Behemoth Going Behind Chiropractic's Back?
Two years ago, the world's largest employer dropped the hammer on the chiropractic profession when Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., announced that effective Jan. 1, 2003, it would no longer provide coverage for chiropractic services to its employees. The company didn't offer any explanation for its decision, but merely announced in one of its newsletters, Open Enrollment News, that chiropractic services would no longer be covered. This from a business that, less than two months after the announcement, set a then-single-day sales record of $1.43 billion on Nov. 29, 2002.
If that wasn't enough, the retail giant has now added insult to injury by partnering with a Colorado company that offers treatments designed to strengthen back muscles to relieve pain and all without the services of a doctor of chiropractic.
Chiropractic Assistants as Whistleblowers:
An Invitation to Activism
from Paul Lee's Quackfiles
Are you in doubt about the chiropractic profession? Are you a CA who has doubts about the ethics of what is happening
where you work? Has your employer attempted to enlist your support
in getting patients to receive unnecessary treatments? Has your
chiro sent you to Dynamic Essentials seminars, or the A.C.E. (Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence) Program?
- Are you the
victim of practice building thinking? Are your morals and ethics
becoming eroded?
- Is your chiro into wellness care, maintenance
treatments, weird and unscientific practices, fraudulent billing, insurance scams, etc.?
- Does the "Description of a Practice in The 500 Club" look familiar?
If so, Chirotalk has started the Chiropractic Assistant Forum just for you.
You can start cleaning up the profession by blowing the whistle on such unethical chiros and their practices. An honest CA is a chiroquack's weakest link. You are a potential
ticking bomb in that chiro's practice. You know what's really going
on. Here you can publish the incriminating facts. I would very much
appreciate it if you would write your experiences and discoveries.
Describe the types of scams and tricks being used.
You may think that your boss is a rare and exceptional "bad apple". Unfortunately that's not true. The chiropractic profession of today has so many “bad apples” that it can’t be the result of chance. It is the inevitable result of fundamental flaws in the profession: its birth, history, philosophy, attitudes, techniques, marketing and education. Unfortunately the majority of DCs are affected by these fundamental flaws. These flaws give rise to unorthodox, unscientific and unethical beliefs and practices, without it being possible to accuse all of these DCs of having criminal motives. They simply believe and act in accordance with their faulty education.
Though it may be claimed that they just do not know any better, they should and could. The ignorance of many is voluntary and therefore inexcusable. When given the opportunity to see both sides of the story, they often get nasty and refuse to look at the evidence, especially if it comes from Dr. Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch and Chirobase fame. They must be stopped, and you may be the key to such efforts. A few words of advice before you get started:
We already have a CA who has discovered what's going on and is
getting out. Read her posts before proceeding. Read and follow the threads in the CA Forum section.
For further information and education about chiroquackery, start
reading the resources posted at ChiroLinks. It will help you to recognize things you may have been exposed to, but not noticed. Then your recollections will take on a new meaning.
Why Ontario will delist all chiropractic services
Rumors about delisting OHIP coverage for Ontario chiropractic treatments were confirmed on May 18, 2004. The Ontario Chiropractic Association continued their attack on the cutbacks by again telling the public that poor people of Ontario will suffer pain, maybe even just drop like flies if the government doesn't continue its support of chiropractic.
The Liberal government of Ontario would rather not see its coffers emptied out to support chiropractic because they need to address the really serious problems in healthcare today. Our Province has a great need to shorten waiting times for cancer treatment, hip replacements, cataract surgery and to train and hire nurses.
Over the years the chiropractic regulators in Ontario, the CCO, did nothing to stop the minority of anti-vax chiropractors who strongly protested and opposed public health efforts, like childhood immunizations. It took years to get them to act responsibly and bring in policies that would punish chiropractors who told their patients to avoid vaccinations for their children. Perhaps it is the Liberal's way of showing the chiropractic community that they have overstayed their welcome at the nearly bottomless pit of the government's trough.
Here are some recent links to stories about the budget and the delisting of chiropractic services. You can read between the lines if you want.
If you see any coverage of this in your local paper, or in other media, please forward these to
Search Google for Ontario chiropractic delisting
Search Google News for Ontario chiropractic delisting
Dr. Marvin Levant's critique of Pran Manga's comments about delisting
Recent comments in the Toronto Star, June 4, 2004, relate to the delisting of chiropractic by OHIP. Unfortunately, Robin Harvey included comments made by Pran Manga, Professor of Health Economics, University of Ottawa:
"This is the stupidest thing they have ever done. Ontario is the only province in Canada, the only jurisdiction in the world, where chiropractic is being delisted."
According to Dr. Marvin Levant:
"This statement is not just hyperbole, it is false. Five provinces never insured chiropractic. Most recently, Newfoundland and Labrador have refused to do so and British Columbia has near completely delisted chiropractic coverage."
Public relations campaign - Ontario Chiropractic Association - Adobe .pdf files
The OCA focuses in the alleged costs to individuals, to the healthcare system, and to the workplace. I have no idea of which magic hat they pull their figures from. But, they are planning a rally at Queens Park for June 17th to protest the budget cuts. One of their curious statements is that when patients elect not to go to a chiropractor for neck pain, it will lead to increase suffering, time off work, and long-term chronic problems. I wonder what they would say about the families of Lana Dale Lewis, or Diane Rodrigue who went to their local chiropractor for an adjustment of their neck that killed or injured them for life. Hmmm.... I wonder.
Chiropractors from rural villages to urban areas were out on the hustings trying to derail the government's move. Here is a quote from a Clinton, Ontario chiropractor:
"Dr. Carolyn Wood, of the Clinton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre in Clinton, reports the phones have also been ringing off the hook at her office.
"Our patients are being very vocal about this," she says. "We really feel it is a regressive step in healthcare."
Wood says a chiropractor is often the first specialist a person will visit while seeking treatment since many Ontarians do not have a family physician.
She adds that chiropractic services promote wellness and keep people healthy and mobile."
I'm sorry, but how does going to a chiropractor keep anyone healthy and mobile? The chiropractic community, especially the Ontario variety, has failed to recognize the wide-spread huckterism, quackery, and anti-vaccine activitities of a significant number of their own members. Until then, they don't deserve public funding.
NDP fights McGuinty's pocketbook medical care plans - Howard Hampton, Ontario NDP leader
"There is no room in this province for pocketbook medical care," Hampton said. "I call on the premier to commit today that health care services provided by chiropractors, physiotherapists and podiatrists will continue to be covered by OHIP."
The Ontario Chiropractic Association as warned that the May 18 budget may reduce or de-list OHIP coverage for the services provided by their members. That would force 1.2 million people, many of them seniors, to pay for these services out of their own pockets.
"De-listing these services would cost patients more. But it also will raise health care costs and further strain our health care system because patients will start showing up at hospitals for care," Hampton said.
Yada yada yada. Now if only the orthopedic surgeons would show up at the hospital to do hip and knee replacements we might be getting somewhere. What this bloody Province needs is to increase the services that will alleviate pain and suffering because our friends and colleagues who would like to provide much needed services have been out of the loop because our government has been paying for chiropractic nonsense for years, at the expense of hospital care.
Ontario Chiropractic Association Press Release - May 12, 2004
De-listing chiropractic services would cost Ontario far more than it would save short-term, Ontario Chiropractic Assn warns
If the Ontario government tries to save money in
its upcoming budget by ending funding for chiropractic services, it will
actually end up costing the health care system far more in the long run, the
Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA) warned today.
"De-listing chiropractic care from OHIP coverage would be a tremendously
short-sighted move that would end up costing the health care system far more
money than it would save in the short term," said OCA President Dr. Dean
Dr. Wright says the OCA is sounding the alarm because it has been meeting
with a series of senior officials in the McGuinty government - as recently as
within the last 24 hours - but the profession has not received any assurance
that OHIP coverage of chiropractic services will be maintained.
"We are urging the government in the strongest possible terms to confirm
its commitment to universality and equal access in health care, by continuing
to provide OHIP support for chiropractic care."
"Chiropractic services are used by 1.2 million Ontario residents annually
for the treatment of back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other
musculoskeletal complaints. De-listing chiropractic would only drive people to
more expensive - and possibly less effective treatments - that remain covered
by the OHIP," said Dr. Wright.
The OCA pointed out that the government's own studies show that enhanced
OHIP coverage for chiropractic treatment would save Ontario's health care
system hundreds of millions of dollars. This has since been quantified at some
$380 million a year in direct costs. The savings in indirect costs for short
and long-term disability are estimated at a minimum of $1.2 billion per
"That's because there is overwhelming scientific evidence that
chiropractic treatment is effective for conditions such as neck and back pain
which afflict millions of people," Dr. Wright said. "Early chiropractic
intervention often resolves the pain more quickly and effectively - and
therefore at less cost - than other approaches."
Musculoskeletal disorders and injuries are the second and third most
costly categories of health problems in economic burden of illness studies.
They rank first among chronic health problems and first as a cause of long-
term disability.
"We recognize the fiscal pressures that the government faces. However, we
cannot overestimate the importance of maintaining - if not enhancing - the
cost-effective primary health care that chiropractic provides to more than a
million Ontarians each year," said Dr. Wright.
(1) Chiropractic Services Review, An Internal Review, Wells et al,
Commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Health, 1994.
The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic
Management of Low-Back Pain, Manga P, Angus D, Papadopoulos C,Swan W. Commissioned by the OCA. Funded by the Ontario Ministry of
Health, 1993
For further information: or interviews: Dr. Dean Wright, D.C.,
President, Ontario Chiropractic Association, Home (for early radio interviews
ONLY): (905) 478-2270, Cellular (after 7:30 AM): (905) 252-8388, Office (after
8:15 AM): (905) 853-4900
Two literature reviews raise doubt about chiropractic benefits. - Chirobase review - March 3, 2003
The Annals of Internal Medicine has published a well designed meta-analysis of spinal manipulation for low-back pain. [Assendelft WJ and others. Spinal manipulative therapy for low back pain. A meta-analysis of effectiveness relative to other therapies. Annals of Internal Medicine, 138(11):871-81, June 3, 2003]. Based on randomized controlled trials published up to January 2000 , the authors concluded:
Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) had clinically and statistically significant benefits only when it was compared with either sham manipulation or the group of therapies judged to be ineffective or even harmful.
SMT was no more effective than general practitioner care, analgesics, physical therapy, back school, or exercise in clinical trials.
SMT is very unlikely to be a particularly effective therapy for any group of patients with back pain.
Systematic reviews that provided the basis for national guidelines are partially discordant and did not include the larger high-quality trials that have been published over the previous few years.
Chiropractic undercover - Channel 9 - KWTV
Is chiropractic care alone the answer for ill? - click on health videos.
The chiropractic professsion is cringing at this broadcast on CBS affiliate KWTV in Oklahoma. If you had chest pain and went into a chiropractor's office what would they really say? You won't believe what they told the producer of this video. William Kinsinger, MD, an anesthesiologist told his story about going undercover to nine chiropractic offices. KWTV producer also went undercover to see if things were really that bad. Then there's the story of how a chiropractors explained the death of a young girl who was taken off her seizure meds and died after visiting a chiropractor in Pennsylvania? The interview with the Oklahoma chiropractic association spokesperson is a real gem. You will need RealPlayer to watch and listen to this marvelous piece.
My Experiences with Nine Chiropractors - William Kinsinger M.D.
Chiropractors like to tell people that they have sufficient training to make appropriate diagnoses and to refer people for medical treatment when needed. I have tested this assertion in several ways. This article reports on five phone calls and six visits involving a total of nine chiropractors. During most of these, I complained about conditions whose treatment is not within chiropractic's legitimate scope.
Lana Dale Lewis Inquest
The Lans Dale Lewis jury has just delivered its verdict. They said that her stroke was an accident. This means that the neck manipulation was the direct cause of her death.
Latest inquest news
Craniosacral therapy advanced by chiropractors
When mainstream publications like the Globe and Mail featured craniosacral therapy as practiced on children by chiropractor Norman Allan of Toronto, the gloves came off. His bizarre beliefs and treatments of adults who have serious illnesses like MS (multiple sclerosis), were bad enough. Now he claims to be getting referrals from someone at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Who in the world has the guts to criticize a registered health professional in Ontario? We do, and we are damned proud of it!!!
Chiropractors and craniosacral quackery
Offshore medical schools give MDs to chiropractors
Schools in the Caribbean thrive on money earned from chiropractors to whom they award MD degrees with little or no on-site training. When these chiropractors use MD after their name in some States in which they practice they are in violation of professional regulations. In other words, even though they paid for their diploma, which in most cases is NOT recognized by anyone, they still place MD after their name. In my opinion, this is totally improper.
School News
Banned medical schools still turn out MDs practicing in U.S. - Dec. 14, 2003Hundreds of doctors in the United States got their degrees from medical schools whose graduates are banned in several states because of questionable educational standards. Inconsistent licensing rules among states allow nearly 900 doctors to pursue careers after graduating offshore medical schools that have not been accredited in the United States, the newspaper reported as part of a series examining problems in medical education and practices.
Graduates of Spartan Health Sciences University on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia and two schools in the Dominican Republic - the Universidad Tecnologica de Santiago and the Universidad Eugenio Maria de Hostos - are banned in at least six states.
Graduates of the University of Health Sciences in Antigua, another Caribbean island, are banned in four states.
Getting An M.D., The Easy Way - NewsDay - Dec 15, 2003
Students at the St. Lucia medical school aren't allowed to train at local hospitals. But they are welcome at U.S. hospitals, including three in this state.
USPHA - University of Health Sciences in Antigua -
Analysis of Misleading Chiropractic Testimony
to the Institute of Medicine's "CAM" Committee
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Posted on May 19, 2003 on
On February 27, 2003, the U.S. Institute of Medicine's committee on complementary and alternative medicine ("CAM") held a public meeting at which it received testimony from proponents of "complementary and alternative medicine." One presenter was Anthony L. Rosner, Ph.D., Director of Research and Education of the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER). Although some of what Rosner says is factual, he either ignores or attempts to obfuscate information about chiropractic's shortcomings. To highlight his deception, I have inserted comments in bold-faced red text. It would be interesting to know whether the IOM "CAM" committee plans to invite anyone to present accurate information about chiropractic.
Neurology article links strokes to chiro treatment
Chiropractic treatment of the neck can be a risk factor for stroke - Neurology - May 13, 2003
Reports on a major retrospective study of stroke cases at two major academic medical centers, led by University of California, San Francisco neurologists, indicates that chiropractic manipulation of the neck can cause vertebral artery dissection, a tearing of the vertebral artery leading to the brain that causes stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA).
Neck Manipulations And The Risk Of Stroke - An Aetna InteliHealth/Harvard Medical School Look At The News
By Robert H. Shmerling, M.D. -
Harvard Medical School
How does this article relate to me?
Here is the central question posed by this article: Can chiropractic manipulation of the neck cause stroke or other serious injury to the blood vessels in the neck? While a definitive answer is not provided, the study described here raises the possibility that spinal adjustment in the neck may be dangerous.
Annals of Internal Medicine article attacked
Analysis of a Misleading Chiropractic Article - - Stephen Barrett, M.D. April 1, 2003 -
In 2001, the highly respected Annals of Internal Medicine began publishing a long series of invited papers to inform physicians about "complementary and alternative medicine" ("CAM") The series editor is David Eisenberg, M.D., whose current professional career depends upon his ability to promote interest in "CAM" methods. Meeker and Haldeman have done something similar in writing their article about chiropractic. Although most of what they say is "factual," they either ignore or attempt to obfuscate information about chiropractic's shortcomings. To highlight their deception, I have inserted comments in bold-faced red text.
Quebec court stops chiros
Quebec DCs Lose Right to Diagnose, Order Lab Tests - March 2003
The chiropractic profession has suffered a serious setback in the
Canadian province of Quebec. On Feb. 25, 2003, Superior Court Judge
Gilles Blanchet ruled that doctors of chiropractic can no longer order
medical tests or diagnose health problems not directly related to the
spine and back.
Does that mean that newborns can no longer be diagnosed with subluxations that cause colic, or toddlers and infants can no longer be treated for otitis media, or maybe 10 year olds can no longer be told that chiropractic manipulation can cure their ADHD? Will this spread to Ontario, and other Provinces?
Chiropractic Education at risk
Student chiropractors react
Chiroweb student forum - Imagine that you have quit or were fired from your last three chiropractic associate jobs because they demanded you commit insurance fraud. You went to your chiropractic board but they protect their own and don't prosecute them. Even worse, they don't reimburse associates for lost pay when narcing out their employers.
Life University accreditation & lawsuits
Search Google News for Life University Chiropractic - Follow the most recent round of lawsuits and countersuits. The world's largest chiropractic college is a shambles of its original self. Was Sid Williams really at fault? So, now it's the lawyers turn to make money.
Life University facing long reaccreditation delay. The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) has informed Life
University that it must wait two years before
applying to restore its accreditation. Chiropractic enrollment dropped to 700 students this week, down from 1,400 last
month and 2,600 in June, when CCE stripped
the program of its accreditation. Without accreditation of the chiropractic program, Life graduates cannot get a license
to practice in most states. [McDonald M, Taylor
M. Life U. must wait at least 2 years for reaccreditation. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nov 22, 2002] The chiropractic
program, which was the world's largest,
improperly downplayed medical diagnosis and taught that every patient should have a diagnosis of "subluxation."
Students Sue Life University Nov 1, 2002
ATLANTA - Some 75 current and former students of Life University have filed a lawsuit seeking class-action status against leaders of the Marietta chiropractic school, which has lost its accreditation.
The suit, filed in Fulton County Superior Court Thursday, asks for a jury trial and damages.
Reasons for Life University's doldrums - Macon Telegraph - Sept. 7, 2002
University denied reaccreditation
The recent turmoil at Life University has caused a lot of confusion, now that the largest chiropractic college in the world has lost its accreditation from the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), the only chiropractic-accrediting agency formally recognized by the United States Department of Education. In its short 28-year existence, Life graduated over 12,000 students, nearly one-fifth of all chiropractors worldwide. As well, Life graduates not long ago defaulted on student loans at an astounding 25 percent rate. Life grads have also led many state licensure exams in failure rates.
Google search for Life University Accreditation
Life University chiropractic program at risk - Atlanta - June 17, 2001
Life University's largest degree program is in
jeopardy of losing its accreditation.
The Council on Chiropractic Education Commission,
based in Scottsdale, Ariz., notified the
school its doctor of chiropractic program was on probation.
Other schools in trouble
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush cuts funding for chiro school
Denver college folds Marycrest International University in Davenport, IA and the affiliated Colorado College of Chiropractic in Denver CO were permanently closed effective June 30, 2002. The Marycrest International University ceased operation effective August 1, 2002. Marycrest International University to Close but its Colorado Chiropractic College will remain open. It's really funny because the ChiroWeb had failed to to mention it on their web site.
PBS Scientific American Frontiers
Alan Alda narrates this amazing series on Alternative Medicine
Watch the entire series - the one on chiropractic is called Adjusting the Joints - If you are interested in Therapeutic Touch, Acupuncture, Herbs, New Age mumbo jumbo, this is a great place for a stop on the way to your favorite complementary medical practitioner.
Dr. John Badanes answers viewer mail.
Answers to some viewer mail that was forwarded to me by the
producers of the PBS Scientific American Frontiers "A Different
Way to Heal?" after it aired June 4th, 2002. In fact, if you
haven't seen it already and have a high speed connection, you
can view the whole show online, including the segment on
"chiropractic" --"Adjusting the joints." There's a link to the
video at the top of this Science Hotline page ("Watch online").
It's better on TV with popcorn, of course; but the audio portion
is OK, even with a 56K connection. That's what I have.
Amazing results in UCLA back pain study
Just published from the UCLA back pain group, led by D.C.Eric Hurwitz
700 back pain patients were treated with chiropractic, with and without
physical modalities, compared to medical care, with and without
physical therapy, with 6 month follow-up. "After 6 months of
follow-up, chiropractic care and medical care for low back pain
were comparable in their effectiveness. Physical therapy may be
marginally more effective than medical care alone for reducing
disability in some patients, but the possible benefit is small."
The value of chiropractic care
One of America's leading critics of chiropractic care is featured in the National Post.
40 year old Guelph woman's death
Ontario coroner investigates link to chiropractic treatment
Friday July 19, 2002
The Ontario Coroner's Office is investigating the death of a 40-year-old Guelph woman last week, largely to determine whether it is linked to chiropractic treatment she received five days before entering hospital with neurological problems.
"This lady was at a chiropractor for treatment of the neck," said Dr. Jim Cairns, Ontario's deputy chief coroner. "And five days after that she then collapsed."
Grainger death sparks press conference
Grieving family calls to end for neck manipulations - Medical Post - June 25, 2002
Heated words exchanged at scrum by family, doctors and chiropractors
Dr. Mark Grainger, a family physician from Calgary, told an emotionally charged press conference
here recently that he and his family believe his father, Dr. Ronald Grainger, died as a result of a chiropractic neck
Chiropractors come under fire - Calgary SUN - Lisa Corbella - June 13, 2002
Dr. Ronald Grainger is described by his family and colleagues as "an extremely gifted diagnostician."
Sadly, in what seems common among physicians, he wasn't too good at diagnosing himself.
As such, shortly after receiving a neck manipulation by a chiropractor, the Calgary father of six and grandfather of 18 became nauseous and suffered extreme pain in his neck. A few days later, he visited his chiropractor again to seek pain relief and had his neck manipulated again. A few days after that, the otherwise healthy 69-year-old physician suffered a massive stroke and died on Nov. 16, 2001
Call for ban could sway jury, chiropractors say - Globe and Mail - June 12, 2002
An Alberta doctor's call for a ban on chiropractic neck manipulation in the middle of a related inquest is "manipulative nonsense," the Canadian Chiropractic Association said Wednesday. The Canadian Chiropractic Association, which is under fire at the Lana Dale Lewis inquest in Toronto, called the public statement "inflammatory fear-mongering."
CMCC Chiro students anti-vaccine cult grows
Attitudes toward vaccination: a survey of Canadian chiropractic students - CMAJ - June 11, 2002
A landmark study completed at the CMCC (Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College) in Toronto reveals that anti-vaccine attitudes were developed by young chiropractic students as they progressed through the four year program. When they entered this "scientific" chiropractic college 40% of them had already rejected vaccination as invalid or had no educated opinion. Were these folks screened for admission because they already mistrusted the allopathic medical system? Didn't they all have basic science backgrounds from Canadian or U.S. universities? Had they ever heard of smallpox, or polio, or diphtheria?
Commentary on this article - CMAJ - June 11, 2002
CDC researchers comment on the results of the study above. In my opinion, they failed to identify why the entering class seemed to be so bloody ignorant about basic public health issues to begin with.
Manitoba battle re: pediatric insurance payments
Manitoba government backs down on ban of pediatric payments to chiropractors. - July 12, 2002
The Manitoba government is backing down on its cuts to chiropractic coverage. But the government will only cover $96 per year for each patient. I wonder what they pay for treating Siamese Twins joined at the head?
Chiropractic Association president is ready to blow a gasket
Winnipeg - April 27, 2002 - The NDP government announced that they were banning all government payments for pediatric treatment by chiropractors.
Manitoba Chiropractic Statutes doesn't mention pediatrics at all
I don't know about these figures from the Manitoba Health web site. The went from 122 chiropractors who billed their insurance plan in 1997 to only 96 chiropractors who billed the system in 2000. Does that mean that 26 chiropractors gave up on billing insurance system, or did they leave the Province. You will note that the average billing per chiropractor back in 1996 was $73,300, and the average in 2000 was $77,600 per chiropractor.
Average expenditures for chiropractic 1998-2000
Average expeditures for chiropractic 1996-98
Lana Dale Lewis Inquest
Chiropractors refute fatal stroke theory - October 22, 2002
Carey testified that reports by neurologists "exaggerating" the danger of strokes caused by chiropractic treatments have scared away so many patients that some practitioners have been forced to leave the profession.
Others chiropractors report they are losing from 15 to 30 per cent of their incomes, Carey testified. The impact has cost Canada's 6,000 chiropractors an estimated $100 million in the last 18 months, he said.
Patient looked `fine' after therapy - Toronto Star - Oct. 4, 2002
Chiropractor who treated Lewis testifies
The chiropractor who treated Lana Dale Lewis 17 days before she died of a stroke says no alarm bells went off in his mind as she walked normally from his office after her last treatment.
Woman heard ringing in the ears - Toronto Star - Sept. 12, 2002
Hospital staff noted repeated complaints after neck treatment
Dale Lewis repeatedly complained to hospital staff about headache, neck pain
and ringing in the ears following her final chiropractic neck manipulation,
an inquest into her death has heard.
Woman complained of `hurt neck,' inquest hears - Toronto Star - Sept. 10, 2002
Wife mentioned pain just after trip to chiropractor.
Six days before Lana Dale Lewis was admitted to hospital with a debilitating stroke, she complained to her husband that her chiropractor had hurt her by reaching over and cracking her neck in an unusual way, an inquest into her death has been told.
Woman had vision problems after seeing chiropractor
- Toronto Star - Sept. 10, 2002
Severe headache also followed manipulation, inquest told.
Patient was `distraught' after chiropractor visit. A woman whose family believes she died of a chiropractic neck manipulation wept on the phone about intense neck pain on the day she received the
treatment, her sister told an inquest into her death.
Chiropractic: Risk or relief?
- Toronto Star - July 10, 2002
The battle lines are drawn as an inquest into the fatal stroke of Lana Dale Lewis resumes today.
Wife mentioned pain just after trip to chiropractor.
When the coroner's inquest into Lana Dale Lewis' 1996 death resumes today it will reignite the debate over the risks of chiropractic neck adjustments.
The battle lines are clearly drawn.
The family has its witnesses ready, and if it's shown that a neck manipulation was to blame for the 45-year-old woman's fatal stroke, it will be demanding public warnings about the practice.
Chiropractors are also anxious to call their own experts to prove that adjustments are safe, and that any increased risk of stroke is minute. And for them, this battle is for their livelihood, plain and simple.
Woman wept in pain, sister tells inquest
- Toronto Star - July 3, 2002
Patient was `distraught' after chiropractor visit. A woman whose family believes she died of a chiropractic neck manipulation wept on the phone about intense neck pain on the day she received the
treatment, her sister told an inquest into her death. Lana Dale Lewis' sister, Judy Ford was grilled by Tim Danson, and was apparently prevented from reading a prepared statement by the coroner's counsel, Tom Schneider. In tears, she said the six-year wait for the inquest has taken a heavy toll on the family.
"The inquest is about money and chiropractics. That's all it's about,"
MDs want neck manipulation banned - Toronto Star - June 4, 2002
A majority of doctors want to ban chiropractic neck manipulation because they believe the small risk of death is not worth the
benefits of its "placebo effect" on patients, a neurologist has told an inquest into the death of an Etobicoke woman.
Woman on job after treatment - Toronto Star - June 26, 2002
Lana Dale Lewis, whose family believes she died as a result of a chiropractic neck manipulation, was at her job as a production line worker the week after
she received the treatment, a former supervisor testified yesterday at the inquest into Lewis' death.
April the cruellest month for Canada's chiropractors - CMAJ June 11, 2002 -
Brad Mackay
"..the inquest probably poses the most serious threat to chiropractic's credibility because of the saturation media coverage it has received — in the Toronto area there have been dozens of newspaper and broadcast reports."
MDs want neck manipulation banned - Toronto Star - June 4, 2002
A majority of doctors want to ban chiropractic neck manipulation because they believe the small risk of death is not worth the
benefits of its "placebo effect" on patients, a neurologist has told an inquest into the death of an Etobicoke woman.
Stroke victim often off sick - Toronto Star - May 29, 2002
A woman whose family believes she died as a result of complications after a chiropractic neck manipulation booked off work
for illness so often her employer was threatening to fire her, an inquest has heard.
Death likely caused by brain swelling - Toronto Star - May 28, 2002
The head of neurosurgery at St. Michael's Hospital says it's likely a woman's death 17
days after a chiropractic neck manipulation was caused by a brain swelling unrelated to
that treatment.
Stroke surprised woman's doctor - Toronto Star - May 23, 2002
The family doctor of a woman who died in 1996 from a stroke 17 days after a chiropractic
neck manipulation acknowledged to an inquest jury that he was surprised when he learned
she had passed away.
Stroke victim had long list of ailments - Toronto Star - May 22, 2002
A woman who died from a stroke after chiropractic neck manipulation had experienced chronic pain, headaches and anxiety for years, an inquest jury was told yesterday.
Stroke specialist testifies at inquest - Globe and Mail - May 17, 2002
One of every 100,000 Canadians suffers a stroke each year as a result of neck manipulation, a coroner's inquest has heard
Inquest into stroke bogs down - Globe and Mail - May 16, 2002
Strange twists and turns continue to bog down the coroner's inquest that is looking at a possible link between chiropractic manipulation and the fatal stroke of Lana Dale Lewis.
Doctors differ over chiropractic - Toronto Star - May 16, 2002
Neurologist tells jury patients `feel better` after neck therapy - A Sunnybrook hospital neurologist says he doesn't share the views of a Montreal doctor who helped a family bring a lawsuit in the death of a woman who died 17 days after a chiropractic neck adjustment.
Clogged artery caused death - Globe and Mail - May 8, 2002
Conclusion that neck manipulation caused fatal stroke was wrong, pathologist. "We were wrong," Michael Pollanen told a coroner's inquest yesterday. "In
retrospect, our conclusions were erroneous."
However, he was using the royal we. His mentor, John Deck, strongly disagrees. Crown Attorney Schneider took Dr. Pollanen to task for not reviewing literature on neck
manipulations and strokes before concluding they were linked.
We were wrong - Toronto Star - May 8, 2002
In November, 2001, neuropathologist Michael Pollanen wrote a report to the coroner withdrawing his original conclusion and
substituting a finding of death by natural cause. Pollanen said Deck's theory of subtle arterial
injury inside and outside the skull from chiropractic manipulation remains "a possible explanation." However ,
when pushed hard by Schneider, he characterized that hypothesis as "improbable."
Doctor insists chiropractic to blame for death - Toronto Star - May 7, 2002
Dr. John Deck, the seasoned coroner's pathologist who has blamed a chiropractic neck adjustment for
the 1996 death of Lana Dale Lewis, has taken days of pounding at a coroner's inquest. Lawyers Tim Danson, Brian Foster and Chris Paliare, acting for various chiropractic interests, have
tried hard to paint the retired University of Toronto professor, who has participated in about 10,000
autopsies, as unscientific in his methods and biased against chiropractic.
Blunders brought to light at inquest - Globe and Mail - May 4, 2002
A heart destroyed. A coroner's file missing. Autopsy evidence
These are among a bizarre series of circumstances uncovered during an inquest into the death of a
45-year-old woman. They suggest that there may have been bungling by officials within the Toronto
coroner's office.
Scott Haldeman takes the stand - Toronto Star - May 2, 2002
Coroner Barry McLellan admitted Haldeman as an expert witness over objections from Lewis family
counsel Amani Oakley, who called him an advocate for chiropractic. Haldeman said about 70 per cent of his
work as an expert witness is in defence of chiropractors, but he has testified for others against
CCA says evidence reveals Coroner's office called meeting with chiropractic
representatives in 1996 - Press Release by CCA - April 30, 2002
Pathologist in hot seat at inquest - John Deverell - Toronto Star - April 30, 2002
Chiropractors' lawyers question his authority- Lawyers for chiropractors are mounting a vigorous challenge to the credibility of Dr. John Deck, a forensic pathologist who
supervised the autopsy on stroke victim Lana Dale Lewis. (Then Tim Danson, the lawyer for the chiropractors, pulled out his ace in the whole, he went for Murray Katz.) "Murray Katz is the most outspoken enemy of chiropractic in this country," Danson challenged. "You are aware of that and
you associate with him?"
Therapy led to trauma, stroke: MD - Vanessa Lu - Toronto Star - April 29, 2002
Stretched blood vessels likely tore victim's artery - John Deck, the pathologist who took part in the autopsy of Lana Dale Lewis firmly maintained his position that he believed her fatal stroke was linked to a
chiropractic neck manipulation.
Doctor resists lawyer's attack on stroke theory - Shannon Kari - National Post - April 27, 2002
Dr. John Deck, a neuropathologist, strongly disagreed with suggestions by Tim Danson, lawyer for the Canadian Chiropractic
Association and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, that the 45-year-old Toronto woman died
of natural causes. "Migraines are not relevant to this case, nor whether she took her high-blood-pressure medication," he
said. "I don't believe [Lewis's health problems] put her at greater risk at any one moment, but it put
her more at risk over her life."
Inquest hears of missing heart due to transplant - Gay Abbate - Globe and Mail - April 27, 2002
A discarded heart may forever be the missing part of the puzzle into what
caused a stroke that killed Lana Dale Lewis in 1996.
A coroner's jury looking into the 45-year-old's death heard yesterday that
her heart was removed for organ transplant following her death. While the
valves may have been donated, nothing was done with the rest of the heart
for almost 90 days following her death, at which point it was destroyed.
MD challenged at chiropractic inquest - Gay Abbate - Globe and Mail - April 26, 2002
A pathologist was repeatedly badgered at an inquest yesterday in an attempt
to get him to retract his conclusion that a chiropractic neck manipulation most
likely caused the stroke that killed Lana Dale Lewis.
Tom Schneider, the coroner's lawyer, treated his own expert, Dr. John
Deck, as a hostile witness. He asked questions that challenged the retired
doctor's opinions, and often interrupted him with theories of other possible
causes for the 45-year-old woman's stroke.
Chiropractic immediately suspected in death - Vanessa Lu - Toronto Star - Aril 26, 2002
The pathologist who conducted the autopsy on Lana Lewis admitted yesterday that he had formed the opinion that her death was linked to chiropractic neck manipulation before reviewing all of the pathological evidence. "I had a definitive date for chiropractic neck manipulation. I had a definitive date for a stroke. I had a definitive date for a death. It was highly probable that it would turn out this way."
Pathologists at odds over stroke death Christie Blatchford - National Post - April 25, 2002
Disagree on chiropractic role in woman's demise - It is one hot potato of an inquest that is taking shape at the coroner's court in central Toronto. It frankly has everything -- immense stakes; duelling pathologists; a dollop of intrigue; powerful interest
groups and a veritable rack of suits, which is to say lawyers -- but at its heart, of course, is Lana Dale Lewis.
So suspicious was Dr. Dhanini that there was a link between Ms. Lewis's visit to her chiropractor and the
arterial dissection that after she died, he notified the coroner's office. Dr. Deck, the leading neuropathologist in the case, is also expected to testify today that he felt pressured -- by the so-called chiropractic community
and even allegedly by officials from the coroner's office -- to soften his findings.
Christie Blatchford - CFRB - Randy Taylor Show - April 25, 2002
The interview with columnist and commentator Christie Blatchford was a head to head duel between an award winner and a real loser. Christie tried to present today's testimony in an accurate manner, and Randy chimed in with his usual one-sided comments. It's really unfortunate that Randy Taylor just doesn't get it. He parroted the allegations made by chiropractic spokespeople that Lana Dale Lewis must have stroked out because of her habits. His comments were uncalled for, and entirely mean and ugly. Oh, did I mention that he's in love with himself and with alternative practices.
Chiropractic facts - Globe and Mail - April 25, 2002
Mireille Duranleau, the head of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, the chiropractor who authored a letter that threatened a group of 60 neurologists in February 2002, didn't like Margaret Wente's column. This is her answer for what it's worth.
Horrible Chiropractic Hazards - Globe and Mail - April 23, 2002
Margaret Wente attacked the chiropractic industry with a vengeance. Not only did she address the dangers of chiro neck manipulation, but she reminded the readers of how much chiropractors in Ontario bill for treating newborns, infants, and children. "In 2000, taxpayers forked
over roughly $15-million for pediatric chiropractic treatment."
Stan Gorchynski, D.C. on Andy Barry's CBC - Metro Morning - April 23, 2002
Andy Barrie took no prisoners. He allowed Gorchynski to stick his foot in his mouth over and over again. The interview started with a defense of subluxation theory by Gorchynski, and he then went directly to a tirade against the 60
neurologists who published a letter aimed at stopping chiros from doing
cervical neck manipulation. Pay attention to Gorchynski's attempt to step around the issues of the Laurie Jean Mathiason inquest back in 1998. Andy didn't have time to ask him who peer-reviewed the chiropractic world.
Chiropractic treatment at centre of inquest - Francine Dube
National Post - April 23, 2002
In his opening statement to the five-person jury, Tom Schneider, the Crown attorney, said they will hear that two
neuro-pathologists who examined the autopsy findings at first concluded that the death was a result of chiropractic
manipulation, but that one of them later changed his mind, instead attributing the death to natural causes.
Reports changed, inquest hears - Globe and Mail - April 23, 2002
GAY ABBATE - MD in case of chiropractic patient felt pressed to soften findings, jury told. One of the pathologists who concluded that Lana Dale Lewis's fatal stroke was
likely the result of a chiropractic neck adjustment has recanted his autopsy
findings and the other is saying he was pressed into watering down his report. The inquest, expected to last at least eight weeks, is expected to be bitter, with
the chiropractic community defending the practice of neck manipulation by
shifting the focus to the health conditions that put Ms. Lewis at risk of a stroke,
including migraines, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol and a family
history of heart attacks.
Lana Dale Lewis inquest set to begin - CANOE.CA
TORONTO (CP) -- A long-awaited inquest into the death of Lana Lewis, a woman who suffered two strokes following a neck manipulation by her chiropractor, is expected to begin Monday.
Lewis, 45, died in 1996, 17 days after receiving the adjustment by Toronto chiropractor Philip Emanuale as treatment for her migraine headaches.
Critics of the practice have warned that it can trigger strokes by damaging the lining of an artery supplying blood to the brain.
Neck adjustment under microscope
- Globe and Mail
TORONTO - April 22, 2002 -
It was a killer migraine that drove Lana Dale Lewis to a chiropractor for relief.
Seventeen days later, she suffered a fatal stroke.
Inquest to probe chiropractic link in death
- Toronto Star April 22, 2002 - Family of Lana Lewis believes neck manipulation killed 45-year-old. The inquest is expected to explore the relationship between the chiropractic neck manipulation Lewis received and the stroke that killed her, said Dr.
Bonita Porter, deputy chief coroner.
The probe is also sure to bring to light the often antagonistic relationship between chiropractors and the traditional medical community.'s original coverage - The background to this inquest
Les Limage - Waterloo victim of neck manipulation
I know neck manipulations cause strokes - Heather Aube - K-W Record - May 7, 2002
I had the two vertebral arteries torn in my neck by a chiropractor on Aug. 16, 1990. My appointment with him was at 9 a.m. By 1 p.m., I was in the
hospital, paralysed on one side and numb on the other. I was 29, not overweight, didn't smoke and I wasn't on the pill.
Stop neck manipulation - Letter from another victim? - K-W Record - May 2, 2002
Blame stroke on lifestyle, not a chiropractor - K-W Record - May 2, 2002
Peter Smith practices chiropractic in Waterloo. By calling the patient to task for causing his own stroke is outrageous. You decide if you agree with me or not. If a chiropractic patient is injured by a chiropractor, why didn't the chiropractor who is trained with the utmost of innate intelligence, give Peter Smith the other half of his brain to think this one through?
Lawsuit filed against Waterloo chiropractor - Francine Dube - National Post - April 29, 2002
Stroke victim blames chiropractic neck adjustment for his condition Lianne Elliott - The Record - April 27, 2002
Watch the CTV News promo on chiropractic neck. There are two segments. I suggest you use IE and broadband for this site.Click here for text of Les Limage segment
Sharon Stone admits chiropractic neck manipulation could have caused her stroke
"Really nice to be alive," Stone says - By Ann Oldenburg - USA TODAY
Sharon Stone says she almost died last year when she was hospitalized for
what physicians thought was a brain aneurysm. "We think it's possible that it was an injury from a horseback riding accident,
made worse by chiropractic adjustments," she says.
CMPA tells MDs to not refer to unregulated health care providers
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Council Newsletter
In the opinion of the General Counsel to the CMPA, there are inherent risks of allegations of liability on the part of a registered practitioner
making such a referral. In particular, if medical problems arise during, or as a result of, services provided by a non-regulated health care
provider, the registered practitioner who had made such a referral could face civil action. The Council cautions the profession that, before
making a referral to a non-regulated health care provider, consultation with the CMPA should be considered, especially concerning the use of a
suitable release(s).
Dr. John Gray's position on unregulated referrals in the BCMJ - CMPA
However, the CMPA has advised physicians generally that care must be taken when making referrals. The concern is that direct liability could be imposed on a physician for a referral he or she makes which results in harm to a patient. A physician is required to meet the standard of care in his or her referral of patient. For example, if a physician had knowledge that the professional to whom he or she was referring a patient was not properly qualified to provide certain care, or if the physician had concerns about the appropriateness of that care or had little knowledge of the efficacy of the treatment, the physician could be held directly liable if a court considered a referral to such a professional as failing to meet the standard of care. Physicians are trained in the process of making referrals to other medical practitioners, but they may not have the same training, experience, or knowledge with respect to the professions outside of medicine. Consequently, it may be more difficult for physicians to meet the standard of care with respect to non-medical referrals. The same concerns exist whether or not the referral is to a regulated or an unregulated non-medical health professional.
Chiropractor visits Toronto Home Show - Is he looking for a new home?
CFRB - April 14, 2002
How many hats does Stan Gorchynski wear? Did he visit the Toronto Home Show to find a new gazebo or sauna, or is he really looking for a new roof to plug up the one hanging over Canadian Chiropractic today. This is a partial transcript of the CRFB radio show hosted by Christina Cherneskey.
Chiropractic costs tops in Texas Workmen's Comp
Texas study takes aim at chiropractic excesses
Eight high cost states were studied included California, Connecticut,
Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin.
The average medical payment per claim to chiropractors is more than four
times the eight-state median. The study found that the average medical cost per claim in Texas ($7,650) is nearly 40 percent higher than that in the median state studied ($5,334). The
higher medical costs per claim are primarily the function of a significantly higher number of visits per claim, 53 percent higher than the eight-state median. The most striking statistic overall is that the average payment per claim to chiropractors ($4,836) is more than four times that for the eight-state average
So, what happens if the governments of Ontario takes a look at this independent study and decide that chiropractic treatments, even for injured workers are too expensive? We challenge the Canadian chiropractors who use the Manga Commission to sell chiropractic to taxpayers to reply to this independent study. These figures DO NOT LIE.
Chiros on Chiros
Insiders blast chiropractic brochures - Stephen Barrett on CANOE.CA
'The largest professional associations in the United
States and Canada distribute patient brochures that
make claims for the clinical art of chiropractic that are not
currently justified by available scientific evidence or that
are intrinsically untestable. These assertions are
self-defeating because they reinforce an image of the
chiropractic profession as functioning outside the
boundaries of scientific behavior."
Chiropractic neck crack can cause strokes:
Chiropractors spark feud with neurologists - Medical Post - March 26, 2002
The Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) has fuelled an existing
controversy by sending a letter to 63 Canadian neurologists criticizing a press release the
neurologists sent out in February. CCA president Dr. Mireille Duranleau (DC), who signed the letter, said the primary
concern was the press release's reliance on data from the Canadian Stroke Consortium.
The letter sent to the neurologists threatens legal action if the neurologists do not respond.
60 Neurologists threatened by chiros
The Canadian Chiropractic Association is threatening legal action against a group of neurologists in Canada if they do not retract a statement outlining the dangers of chiropractic neck manipulation.
Back Off Chiropractors!! - Time Magazine - Leon Jaroff
Chiropractors have been taking their lumps lately. And not all of the criticism has come
from their usual critics in the medical profession. Indeed, some chiropractors
themselves are cautiously calling for reforms.
Jerry Grod, and his associates, all leading Canadian chiropractic educators reviewed brochures in chiropractic offices and came to this conclusion, "All of the brochures, they wrote,
made claims "that are not currently justified by available scientific evidence
or that are intrinsically un-testable."
Chiropractic pundit Matt McCoy reacts to Jaroff article in JVSR
So, another negative article about our profession has been published. Once
more it is our own members that hand them the gun, the ammunition and help
them pull the trigger. The question remains: What will YOU do about it? Will
YOU write a letter to Time?
CBC News Reports - listen to audio and watch video
More than 60 neurologists have signed a
letter warning that chiropractic neck treatment can lead to strokes. They
say if the neck is rotated improperly, a blood vessel can
tear, causing a clot to form.
Chiropractic strokes tied to young - HealthScout
A trip to the chiropractor might relieve that pain in your neck, but it could lead to
something much worse.
Stroke linked to neck work - Aaron Derfel - Montreal Gazette -
60 neurologists speak out against manipulation by chiropractors
Dr. Murray Katz is often asked by parents whether they
should send their children to a chiropractor. Chiropractors are increasingly marketing their services to children. A
brochure by the Ontario Chiropractic Association recommends that parents
send their infants to a chiropractor "as soon as possible after birth.
Chiropractic care at an early stage could prevent many common childhood
disorders from developing."
Doctors warn of chiropractic peril
60 neurologists say neck manipulations are often hazardous; chiropractors reject charge - Brad Evenson - National Post
1999 Canadian stroke study
More ChiroWatch coverage of neck manipulation
Vegatest scams A cure for no diseases, Canadian style
To ask whether a machine can think is like
asking whether submarines can swim.
Health Canada just banned the use of the Vegatest devices in January 2002. So let's see if health regulators will do anything to those licensed health practitioners who still use them.
Letter to Ontario health regulators:
The CBC Disclosure show on January 29, 2002 revealed that Health Canada has issued a
recall of four types of Vegatest devices.
What is your response to this, and will your organization advise their
members to stop using these devices to diagnose and treat patients?
If naturopaths, chiropractors, and medical doctors who use these devices ignore the ban, what will your agency do?
There are hundreds of naturopaths, chiropractors and medical doctors who may be using Vegatest type machines who may have not seen the CBC show. I think it would be a public service to make a statement about it, to reassure the public that their
licensed health practitioner will comply with the Health Canada order.
Thanks very much.
Terry Polevoy, MD
Watch the show on CBC - RealPlayer 15 minutes
P.S. Vegatest medical doctor loses his appeal
Tecumseh Chiro's Testimonials Rocks On
For a Hallelujah of a good time call 1-877-480-7439
What passes for testimonials by an evangelical chiropractor is now available to all newbies and established patients. Despite the siren call to prayers in this suburban Windsor office, the College of Chiropractors of Ontario seems like they have earplugs in all orifices. They see no evil, the hear no evil, they speak no evil when it comes to reigning in their members who profess chiropractic with a religious zeal that approaches that of Burt Lancaster's character in Elmer Gantry. Whether it's a room full of 15-20 potential employees who are screened for their beliefs in chiropractic, instead of their skills as office staff, or just the average day at work, this chiropractor seems to ignore all messages he gets from the CCO.
So, please feel free to listen to the tape above, and then you decide.
Nantais Chiropractic web site
Complaint against web site files around August 18, 2001
Nix to Newfie Chiropractors
Chiropractic services will not be covered in Newfoundland
Medical Post - Jan. 22, 2002 By Mark Quinn
In what seems to be a growing nightmare for chiropractic across Canada, the Newfoundland government looks at the major studies like Manga, that are used across North America to justify government support, and they see flaws. They see so much misinformation and miscalculation that they take the Manga Report and basically shred it. There will be NO chiropractic coverage by the government of Newfoundland. So there!!!!
U.K. Expert reviews risks of chiropractic neck manipulation
Spinal manipulation: Its safety is uncertain CMAJ - January 8, 2002
Professor Edzard Ernst, University of Exeter
What is the message for primary care physicians? On the one hand, there is little evidence to
demonstrate that spinal manipulation has any specific therapeutic effects. On the other hand,
there is convincing evidence to show that it is associated with frequent, mild adverse effects6
as well as with serious complications of unknown incidence. Therefore, it seems debatable
whether the benefits of spinal manipulation outweigh its risks. Specific risk factors for
vascular accidents related to spinal manipulation have not been identified which means that
any patient may be at risk, particularly those below 45 years of age. Definitive, prospective
studies that can overcome the limitations of previous investigations are now a matter of
urgency. Until they are available, clinicians might tell their patients to adopt a cautious
approach and avoid the type of spinal manipulation for which the risk seems greatest: forceful
manipulation of the upper spine with a rotational element.
British Columbia cuts chiropractic benefits
CBC - January 3, 2002
British Columbia's public medical coverage no longer pays for visits to physiotherapists, chiropractors and
naturopaths, unless it's treatment for families and individuals
with a net income of $20,000 or less.
College of Chiropractors of Ontario Newsletter
This recent CCO newsletter, distributed to all Ontario chiropractors, addresses several pressing and important concerns for the chiropractic profession and the public. There are serious problems that are not addressed, and serious errors that suggest that it would be o.k. for chiropractors to practice quackery and endanger the public, as long as they tell their clients that their malpractice insurance does not cover things like iridology or ear candling. The fact that one of these is fraudulent, and the other illegal and dangerous must have gone right by Dr. Allan Gotlib, the apparent author of the newsletter.
Chiropractor sued after child paralyzed
Family seeks $2.75 million for 11-year-old son
Paul Benedetti, and Wayne McPhail Special report - Barrie, Ontario
Lawsuit claims that Gary Dyke, a Barrie chiropractor, treated a boy for chest pains after he went swimming. Dyke treated him a number of times with neck and spinal manipulation, yet he failed to x-ray, diagnose or examine child. The boy had a benign spinal tumour which could have been easily diagnosed and treated by neurosurgeons at the Hospital for Sick Children, in Toronto. The problem is, alleged in the lawsuit, that the tumour was injured because of the spinal manipulation done by Dyke. The boy is now paralyzed from the waist down, and has limited bladder and bowel control.
The Turner lawsuit highlights grave concern on the part of pediatricians across Canada about the chiropractic manipulation of children.
CMAJ articles on cervical stroke risk
Arterial dissections following cervical manipulation: the chiropractic
experience - Scott Haldeman, Paul Carey, Murray Townsend, Costa Papadopoulos
The only manner in which the real
incidence of dissection following cervical manipulation
can be established and the feasibility of screening patients determined
is to carry out research in which both
chiropractors and neurologists participate. Failure to cooperate in
such research will result in confusing and conflicting
information being given to patients and will reduce the likelihood that
these complications can be avoided.
Canadian Stroke Consortium update from CMAJ
Collaboration with our chiropractic colleagues is crucial to
understanding and resolving the association between
sudden neck movement and stroke. Blanket denial or distortion of our
data from various quarters can only delay
discovery of the necessary facts at the expense of the well-being of
Cervical manipulation and risk of stroke by
Drs. Kapral and Bondy about cervical manipulation with comments on
the Haldeman article:
The study by Haldeman and colleagues provides important data about the
association between stroke and specific
chiropractic interventions. However, the use of malpractice claims data
is unlikely to lead to an accurate estimation of
the risk of stroke. Not all stroke events will lead to claims, and the
same biases in documentation of exposure may be
operating as in the Norris paper. In addition, this study relies on an
estimate of the denominator of cervical
manipulations performed by chiropractors.
Junk medicine: spinal manipulation - The Times U.K. - March 26, 2006
While it was not surprising to learn that the technique is useless for period pain or allergies, it fared badly even with complaints for which benefits might be expected. For neck pain it was “not of demonstrable effectiveness”. Even for back pain it was no better than conventional treatments, such as exercise. “There is little evidence that spinal manipulation is effective in the treatment of any medical condition, ” it concluded.
Can chiropractic maim and kill? - National electronic Library for Health - UK
Setting the record straight on chiropractic - Medscape - signup to view
James Mertz, DC, ACA - rebuttal of Homolas's article
Sam Homola, DC - rebuttal of rebuttal
Student Loan Defaults
Federal loan defaults of all U.S. chiropractic school students - Note the unpaid debt load of these schools. These figures are for U.S. citizens only, they do not include Canadian students.
Life University students owe millions
Parker - Texas
Los Angeles
Record high loan default - $321,774 U.S.
Stroke victims five times more likely to have visited chiropractor - CANOE.CA - Wayne MacPhail - May 9, 2001
People under 45 who
suffer a stroke are five times more likely to
have seen a chiropractor in the previous week
than a control group, says a new Ontario
The Toronto-based study also indicates that
one in every 100,000 chiropractic neck
patients under 45 years of age will suffer a
The study examined 582 Ontario patients who had shown up at
hospital with damage to their vertebral artery.
Revolting Developments and other Chiro Devices
Saskatchewan Chiro Association rejects Activator - April 23, 2001
REGINA -- Saskatchewan chiropractors have rejected the latest attempt by a
group of dissidents to allow the use of a mechanical device that's popular among
their colleagues across Canada.
Their governing body, chiropractors upheld
regulatory bylaws prohibiting the use of the Activator.
Pre-inquest battle to win the hearts and minds
Chiropractic twists and turns - Michele Mandel - Toronto Sun - April 22, 2001
It has been a shameful search fraught with coroner reversals, Deep Throat envelopes and
stolen e-mails as the chiropractic profession assembles its heaviest artillery to fight an
inquest it fears will place chiropractic on trial.
Meanwhile a lone, patient family is pummelled at every turn.
Stroke expert demands to know how private e-mail was leaked - CANOE.CA - April 20, 2001 - Wayne MacPhail
A Sunnybrook Hospital neurologist wants to know how
his private e-mail became evidence in a hearing prior to the inquest
into the death of a Toronto woman.
Dr. John Norris is demanding an answer about how a private e-mail
sent he sent to Dr. Murray Katz, a Montreal-based pediatric
practitioner, got into the hands of a lawyer representing chiropractic
organizations at the inquest.
Tim Danson's little brown envelope - Murray Katz, M.D. - April 18, 2001
This is an open letter from Dr. Murray Katz, a pediatrician
from Montreal who was asked to be the agent for the
family of Lana Dale Lewis, a woman who died in 1996
after she visited a chiropractor. On April 18, 2001 he was removed from Lewis family's team of medical experts. The chilling effect on the case may come back to haunt the chiropractors and their legal experts.
Doctor dismissed in chiropractic inquest - C-Health April 18, 2001
For possibly the first time in Canada, a coroner has
removed a legal agent from an inquest.
Dr. Murray Katz was dismissed yesterday as the legal representative
for the family at the inquest of Lana Dale Lewis.
The inquest is being held into the 1996 death of the 45-year-old
Toronto woman who died from complications of a stroke after having
her neck manipulated by a chiropractor.
Dr. Katz, a Montreal pediatric practitioner, has been acting as the
family's legal agent free-of-charge since early Feb
Dr. Katz removed - Globe and Mail - April 19, 2001
In a rare if not unprecedented move, a coroner has removed a legal agent
an inquest for inappropriate behaviour before the inquest has even
Coroner Barry McLellan told Montreal pediatric practitioner Murray Katz
yesterday that he could no longer represent the family of Lana Dale
Lewis at
the inquest looking into her death.
Search Globe and Mail for Lana Dale Lewis
Missing heart - arrows thrown at Dr. Katz - Globe and Mail - April 18, 2001Defendent's lawyer wants to know what happened to heart that used to beat inside the body of stroke victim Lana Dale Lewis. They also want to know why Dr. Katz is in the room.
They all had harsh words about Dr. Katz, who sat quietly in his chair,
often shaking his head, as the attacks on him heated up.
They called him a liar, a fraud, questioned his credentials, and accused
him of being a zealot on a mission to destroy the chiropractic
profession. Dr. McLellan reserved judgment on the motion.
Inquest or Whitewash?
Ads will aim to draw women to chiropractors - GAY ABBATE - Globe and Mail
April 9, 2001
Just as a coroner's inquest is set to explore a possible connection
between chiropractic neck adjustments and strokes in women, an
association representing chiropractors is preparing an advertising
campaign geared to attracting more women patients.
Dr. Norris banned from Lewis Inquest
Wayne McPhail's C-Health - April 4, 2001
Canada's leading medical expert on stroke and chiropractic neck manipulation says he's been dropped as a Crown witness for an inquest into the death of a Toronto woman who died after a chiropractic neck manipulation. Stroke expert Dr. John Norris also says the upcoming inquest will be a "whitewash".
York University's Atkinson College nixes CMCC bid
At 3:25pm on March 28, 2001, Atkinson College Faculty Council voted
on the following "motion":
"... that the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies
establish an association with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic
College (CMCC) and that this association lead to offering the DC
(Doctor of Chiropractic), with a York approved curriculum, as -a
first professional York degree.
The "motion" was in fact divided into two parts. The first was to
approve an "association" between York/Atkinson and CMCC, while the
second was to approve a strong and explicit type of association - the
granting of a D.C. degree.
If you'll recall, the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science at York
rejected _any_ type of association with CMCC in May 1998. This led to
the proposal that Atkinson College (a college with a small nursing
program, and a health policy & management program) host CMCC.
Atkinson College deliberated for about one year on this issue prior to
yesterday's vote.
The results of the vote:
Atkinson College Council rejected _any_ form of association with CMCC:
26 votes against, 21 for, with 2 abstentions.
It is not clear what will happen next. On the one hand, which other
Faculty could realistically host CMCC at York? On the other, we've
learned that "it's not over till it's over." Still, things do look
good at the moment.
Background story
Why would Canada's third largest university want to affiliate with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College? How much would $25 million buy today?
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Before you get your neck manipulated by anyone check with